Experience deals that transform your organization and build lasting value through our expert mergers and acquisitions advisory services.
We focus on the future of financial services, helping clients shape their businesses and execute strategies.
Advertising cookies PwC may present ads to you on other sites to promote relevant services, articles or events. The cookies are used to make advertising messages more relevant to you and your interests. They also perform functions like preventing the same ad from continuously reappearing. These ad...
PwC China Services Globalisation Center of Excellence Financial advisory Financial advisoryA successful investment would require identifying the right opportunities, gaining a comprehensive understanding of inherent complexities of cross-border transactions, coordinating with the stakeholders of the investment, ...
FinancialServices简称FS,也就是常说的金融组,客户主要为商业银行、投资银行、保险公司。北京、上海、深圳所出差较少,跳槽去向为金融行业(商业银行、投行券商、PE、VC等)。 咨询业务(Advisory)底下分为deals和nsulting,deals就是财务咨询,还是交易为导向的咨询业务,跟德勤的fas一样。PwC的交易服务是四大中最强的,服务...
We focus on the future of financial services, helping clients shape their businesses and execute strategies.
Financial Advisory VS. Financial Consulting Financial Advisory 主要与收购(投资)交易等资本市场活动相关 主流业务为财务尽职调查 (FinancialDue Diligence,简称FDD)。 财务尽职调查主要是对目标企业的财务状况进行审阅分析, 而其他领域的尽职调查工作还需调动事务所内部其他行业和专业领域专家, 有很多Consulting部门, 就曾...
比如,先来看德勤,Consulting和Financial Advisory两个业务的收入占比57.1%,比审计和税务两个板块的营收高出14.2%。 (图片来源德勤) 更别提四大中有“小投行”之称的财务咨询了,吸金力更是爆棚 (图片来源Investment Monitor) 那有人问,财务咨询的工作主要做什么? 通常来看,四大的咨询分为consulting和advisory: consu...
Graduate Program开放岗位涵盖Assurance、Consulting、Strategy and Transactions、Tax、People Advisory Services五大岗位类别,覆盖的城市包含悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班等地。 正在就读本科/研究生最后一年的应届生或是毕业两年内的留学生可以申请。(可以同时申请多个职位!) ...
拿PwC来说,deal advisory分为3个部门:Corporate finance (类投行部门), Transaction services(FDD部门)...