lnxrwb17_ESO ✭✭✭ I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state. It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammate...
Because PVP is boring, plus the TES series except ESO has been purely PvE from the very beginning.
Kyubi_3002b16_ESO ✭✭✭ I don't see how running off class spells is actualy an acceptable solution when DK and Sorc get to do neither. As they say... run the vet game the way its the most optimal not the way you wanted to play your class (good grief). If it comes to ...
and i now im doing something wrong since people are obvoiusly playing the class well...i also played a sorc a long time ago after release (since deleted) and never had such issues? any tips? Any good open world aoe pve build / rotation that still leaves som room that i can level ...
personally i cant say ive ever really looked at what other people rank stuff as, or even followed build guides lol i have between 1 and 2 of each class (arcanist, templar, sorc are the ones i only have 1 of) DK was my original class as well at launch, ive set him up mostly as ...
lnxrwb17_ESO ✭✭✭ I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state. It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammate...
lnxrwb17_ESO ✭✭✭ I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state. It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammate...
lnxrwb17_ESO ✭✭✭ I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state. It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammate...
lnxrwb17_ESO ✭✭✭ I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state. It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammate...
lnxrwb17_ESO ✭✭✭ I'm just not a PVP player - every time I do something PVP in MMORPGs I'll fall into a constant nervous/adrenaline rush/whatever it is called state. It feels just like when you play CS:GO and you're the last man standing fighting a 1 on 1 fight, teammate...