Solo Magicka Warden Build for ESO - Advanced & Beginner Setups for Gear and Champion Points. Build is made for Overland & Dungeons.
Solo Werewolf Build PvE for Maelstrom Arena, Overland and Dungeons. Any Class, Any Race, easy to get gear. ESO
主要用于地图探索,副本,PvE。这是一个非常简单的构建,但是非常有效。 技能 巫师的技能搭配很多,我使用的是“双宠”流。 主手: 被动技能 由于我技能点比较多,因此全部被动技能我都点满了。制造的被动技能有一项 洞察力,这个只点了一下,其余的被动技能全部点满了。 如果技能点不够,优先点击: 炼金:药用 烹饪:美...
I have as yet to see a successful Veteran build with only the skills that are available to the Nightblade as a class. Just saying... That goes for sorcerer as well. Destro staff is not a class specific skill. Your crappy class AoE does not make you a special unique snowflake. A mele...
Because PVP is boring, plus the TES series except ESO has been purely PvE from the very beginning.
Dungeon & Trial ESO META Builds for The Elder Scrolls Online. DPS, Healer, Tank Builds for all Classes optimized for Dungeons and Trials!
I have as yet to see a successful Veteran build with only the skills that are available to the Nightblade as a class. Just saying... That goes for sorcerer as well. Destro staff is not a class specific skill. Your crappy class AoE does not make you a special unique snowflake. A mele...
I have as yet to see a successful Veteran build with only the skills that are available to the Nightblade as a class. Just saying... That goes for sorcerer as well. Destro staff is not a class specific skill. Your crappy class AoE does not make you a special unique snowflake. A mele...
I have as yet to see a successful Veteran build with only the skills that are available to the Nightblade as a class. Just saying... That goes for sorcerer as well. Destro staff is not a class specific skill. Your crappy class AoE does not make you a special unique snowflake. A mele...