与“put yourself out there”类似的表达有“take a leap of faith”和“go for it”。这些表达都体现了勇敢追求、不畏挑战的精神。然而,“put yourself out there”更强调了个体在社交和情感方面的主动性和暴露性,鼓励人们在这些领域也要勇敢地迈出第一步。
“Put yourself out there” 是一个英语习语,通常用于鼓励人们主动参与社交、展示自我或克服恐惧。以下是其详细解析:1. 核心含义 该短语强调 主动展现自我、走出舒适圈,尤其在面对不确定性或可能的拒绝时。它常用于以下情境:社交场合:主动结识新朋友、表达观点或参与活动。个人成长:尝试新事物,如学习技能、追求...
This is putting yourself out there.这就是“put yourself out there”。It's a risk.这是一种冒险。I have trouble putting myself out there.我很难把自己展现在众人面前。I like to put myself out there.我喜欢勇敢展现自己。This means that you are comfortable or uncomfortable doing something where ...
put yourself out there 中文翻译:把自己放在那里 例句: 1.You just have to put yourself out there 你只需要做你自己 2.You have to put yourself out there 不要让自己局限在小圈子里 3.And not to be afraid to put yourself out there. 还有就是不要害怕把自己置于更高的位置。 4.you ain't afra...
put oneself out there俚语 "Put oneself out there"是一个俚语,意指主动暴露自己,勇敢地参与社交或感情上的活动,尽管可能会面临拒绝、批评或伤害的风险。这个短语通常用于描述一个人敢于展示自己、表达自己或追求自己的激情和兴趣的行为。它强调了放下顾虑和恐惧,勇敢地踏出舒适区,与他人建立联系并追求自己的目标。
网络释义 1. 想办法让自己出现在舞会上 ...Put yourself out there.|想办法让自己出现在舞会上This thing happensin a matter of hours.|舞会几个小时后就开始了 ... www.douban.com|基于3个网页 2. 展示自己 译言网 | 七条小贴士帮助你找到创作灵感 ... 4.Happiness4. 快乐 5.Put Yourself Out Ther...
Listen for what of them to say "put yourself out there". 留意听一下她们说的put yourself out there。 You just need to put yourself out there. 你需要放手一搏。 Judge Myers? Yes? 麦尔斯法官?什么事? Wake up your love life with these tips. 这是一些唤醒你爱情生活的小贴士。 Do you need ...
"Put yourself out there" means "make an effort even if it makes you uncomfortable". For the women in this film, their efforts pay off.Put yourself out there意为付出努力,哪怕会让你觉得不舒服。对于影片中的女人们来说,她们的努力得到了回报。Their stories turn out to be love stories. And ...