put oneself out there俚语 "Put oneself out there"是一个俚语,意指主动暴露自己,勇敢地参与社交或感情上的活动,尽管可能会面临拒绝、批评或伤害的风险。这个短语通常用于描述一个人敢于展示自己、表达自己或追求自己的激情和兴趣的行为。它强调了放下顾虑和恐惧,勇敢地踏出舒适区,与他人建立联系并追求自己的目标。
put (oneself) out there put (oneself) out there 1. To take the risk of making one's availability and interest known to others. Yeah, you will be single forever if you don't put yourself out there! I'm sure there's a great girl who's just dying to meet you. I know you're ...
今天新东方在线小编为大家整理了“英语口语日积月累:Put oneself out there 放手一搏!”,希望可以帮助大家更好的来提高英语口语水平。 He asked me what makes me laugh. He isn't afraid to be himself, just put himself out there. 他问我什么使我如此笑不拢嘴。他从来不抵触表达自己,而是选择放手一搏。
Heaskedmewhatmakesmelaugh.Heisn'tafraidtobehimself,justputhimselfoutthere. 他问我什么使我如此笑不拢嘴。他从来不抵触表达自己,而是选择放手一搏。
2. put oneself out, to take pains; go to trouble or expense. 3. put on the dog or the ritz, to assume an attitude of wealth or importance; put on airs. 4. put something over on, to deceive. [before 1000; Middle English put(t)en to push, thrust, put, Old English *putian...
to clothe oneself with (an article of clothing). to assume insincerely or falsely; pretend: She put on a smile and choked out a welcome. to assume; adopt. to inflict; impose. to cause to be performed; produce; stage: The troupe put on a play by a little-known writer. ...
put across解释;表达 I'm not putting my meaning across very well.我未把我的意思解释清楚。 表演得令人赞赏(= put over)欺骗;哄骗;(用不正当手段)搞成 She put it across me by selling me some bad eggs. 她欺骗我,卖给我几个臭鸡蛋 (= put over on) ...
Idioms put oneself out, to take pains; go to trouble or expense. Idioms put something over on, [~ + object] to deceive.WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 put (pŏŏt), v., put, put•ting, adj., n. v.t. to move or place (anything)...
put (oneself) out To make a considerable effort; go to trouble or expense. put (one's) finger on To identify: I can't put my finger on the person in that photograph. put (one's) foot down To take a firm stand. put (one's) foot in (one's) mouth To make a tactless remark....
• put someone's eyes out 1. (尤指粗暴地)弄瞎…的眼睛 • put one's hands together 1. 鼓掌,拍手 I want you all to put your hands together for Barry.我想让大家为巴里鼓掌。 • put one's hands up 1. 举手投降 • put it (或 oneself) about 1. (英,非正式)(在性行为方面)...