These additional HTTP methods provide clarity and reduce the scope of duties associated with the HTTP POST method. The evolution of the HTTP protocol also explains why any request that does not neatly fit into a DELETE, PATCH or PUT operation falls into the domain of the POST. Unlike PUT, P...
In short, thePOSTmethodshould be used to create a subordinate(or child) of the resource identified by the Request-URI. In the example above, the Request-URI would be/forumsand the subordinate or child would be<new_thread>as defined by the origin. PUTvsPOST- the differences# RFC 2616, ex...
POST POST method is used to send data to the server to create a new resource. When a client wants to create a new resource on the server, it sends a POST request to the server. The body of the request message contains the data to be sent. The server processes the data and creates ...
POST 和 PUT 的区别 看几个例子就可以理解了 添加操作 代码语言:javascript 复制 /user/creation?user_name=&pwd= 对于添加操作, 每次执行的结果确实相同, 所以一开始可能被误解成幂等. 但是实际上如果从总体环境下来看, 每次都多出一条记录, 所以并不是幂等, 非幂等的情况下都建议使用 POST 方法. 更新操作 ...
例如。 /blogs/nigel/entry/when_to_use_post_vs_put 作为标题用作资源键 如果已知 url 处的资源已经存在,则 PUT 会替换该资源,因此两次发送相同的请求无效。换句话说,对 PUT 的调用是幂等的。 RFC 是这样写的: POST 和 PUT 请求的根本区别体现在 Request-URI 的不同含义上。 POST 请求中的 URI ...
Put vs. Post - REST 在查看“petclinic”中的代码时,我注意到以下几行 <c:choose> <c:when test="${}"><c:set var="method" value="post"/></c:when> <c:otherwise><c:set var="method" value="put"/></c:otherwise> </c:choose>...
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. This allows the client to create resources without knowing the URI for the new resource. For example, ...
PUT vs POST HTTP PATCH Request Method Generate code snippets for Python and other programming languages Convert your HTTP PUT Request request to thePHP,JavaScript/AJAX,Node.js,Curl/Bash,Python,Java,C#/.NETcode snippets using the Python code generator. ...