一、提交表单(GET vs POST) 1.1 GET表单(内容附到url) GET:当表单方法为GET时,它会把内容附加到URL,并将它发送到你网站的另外一个页面 你通常肯定是希望你的表单post 一些东西到远程服务器上,而不是本地页面。form标签有个属性叫action,action里指定的地方就是你Form表单要提交到的地方,同时你提交表单也需要指...
所以根据HTTP协议,GET是安全的,也是幂等的,而POST既不是安全的,也不是幂等的。 按约定我们使用Get来做读操作,使用Post来新增或者修改(资源)。 HTTP的其他请求方式 参考 HTTP Methods: GET vs. POST GET vs. POST maximum length of HTTP GET request?
The POST Method POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. The data sent to the server with POST is stored in the request body of the HTTP request: POST /test/demo_form.php HTTP/1.1 Host: w3schools.com ...
Form标签的method属性有get和post两个值,其主要区别是: ①数据去向不同 get请求从服务器上获得资源,而post是用来向服务器提交数据,比如,注册邮箱提交的个人信息。 ②表单数据传递形式不同 get将表单中数据按照name=value的形式,添加到action 所指向的url后面,且用"?"连接,各变量之间用"&"连接。 比如: itexample...
Below is some major differences of GET vs. POST Key Differences Between GET and POST Method In GET method, values are visible in the URL while in the POST method, values are not visible in the URL. GET request has a limit on the length of the values, whereas the POST request has no...
HTTP Methods: GET vs. POST Two commonly used methods for a request-response between a client and server are: GET and POST. GET- Requests data from a specified resource POST- Submits data to be processed to a specified resource The GET Method...
POST can also be used to get some data from the server. However, the POST method NEVER caches data, and is often used to send data along with the request. To learn more about GET and POST, and the differences between the two methods, please read ourHTTP Methods GET vs POSTchapter. ...
1.get通常是从服务器上获取数据,post通常是向服务器传送数据。 2.get是把参数数据队列加到表单的 ACTION属性所指的URL中,值和表单内各个字段一一对应,在URL中可以看到,实际上就是URL拼接方式。post是通过HTTPpost机制,将表单内各个字段与其内容放置在HTML HEADER内一起传送到ACTION属性所指的URL地址。 3.对于get方式...
POST method is certainly not the silver bullet given that sensitive data is still transmitted in the HTTP request and, thus, can still be captured and manipulated. However, security is about taking reasonable steps to eliminate the urgent and important stuff – especially the low hanging fruit ...