put up or shut up Slang To have to endure an unpleasant situation or take action to remedy it. put up with To endure without complaint: We had to put up with the inconvenience. [Middle English putten, back-formation from Old English *pūtte, past tense of pȳtan, to put out.]...
to build up, to take care of, to promote等(nourish, nutrient, nutriment, nutrition, nutritious);后缀-ED参见bespectacled,malnourished意为“营养不良的”,如:There are many pale, malnourished children in the remote village.(在那个偏远的村子里有许多由于营养不良而脸色苍白的孩子。) ...
to sit up and take notice (fig)→ aguzar el oído 6. (= interest)→ interés mit has attracted a lot of notice→ ha suscitado gran interés B. VT (= perceive)→ fijarse en, notar; (= realize)→ darse cuenta de; (= recognize)→ reconocerdid you notice the bloodstain on the ...
put up or shut upSlang To have to endure an unpleasant situation or take action to remedy it. put up with To endure without complaint:We had to put up with the inconvenience. [Middle Englishputten, back-formation from Old English*pūtte, past tense ofpȳtan,to put out.] ...