Learn how to make big money doing big deals with real estate syndication at The Real Estate Guys Secrets to Successful Syndication seminar.
Putting assets in a trust allows you to pass assets to beneficiaries after your death without having to go through probate. If one spouse dies, the surviving spouse usually can take over the IRA as their own. If you inherit a traditional IRA from someone other than your spouse, you can ...
A guide to how to open a bank account in China. Includes simple 3-step process to open the China bank account & answers to common questions.
A Legal Secretary is an integral aspect of any legal firm, and in this career, you will be working with lawyers, paralegals, and clients without the need to go through rigorous schooling. While working as a Legal Secretary, you’ll get to learn the basics of law and know legal requiremen...
Probate is used to determine account ownership and who is entitled to receive the funds, and "can be a costly and time-consuming process," he says. And because beneficiary designations supersede any instructions listed in a will, keeping them up to date is particularly important, experts...
So before we go into the steps of setting up a brokerage account, here are some things to consider: 6 things to know when opening a brokerage account 1. CDP vs. nominee account Before you open a brokerage account with a brokerage firm in Singapore, you first need to open a central depo...
Learn what intestate is. Find out what it is, understand the probate process, the challenges with intestate death, succession, and how to avoid intestacy.
Retirement accounts generally don’t need to go through probate. Instead, when you set it up, you choose a beneficiary to whom you want it to go to when you pass. In that sense, it’s quite easy. However, if you’ve ever been the beneficiary of a retirement account, you know that ...
If you have in-force life insurance coverage when you die, the death benefit will be paid to the primary beneficiaries named in the policy. Life insurance benefits are tax-free, if you paid your premiums with after-tax earnings, and they do not have to go through probate — that makeslif...
Probate can be an expensive and lengthy legal process that delays the transfer of assets. Learn how to avoid probate.