If you put something on hold, it means, you are not going to do it right away. You are going to wait before you act. You might also hear someone say this to you on the phone: Let me put you on hold. This means: Wait, I will get b...
Put something on hold 是指暂停一件事情的进行。法国总统萨尔科齐的新婚妻子、模特兼歌星卡拉.布吕尼婚后首度接受媒体采访。她表示,"She will put her star career on hold to become France's first lady," 她将暂停自己的明星事业,努力当好第一夫人...
“put sth on hold”的意思是搁置、延期或暂停某个具体的事物或计划。这是一个在英语中常用的动宾短语,用于表达暂时停止进行某项活
Put something on hold 是指暂停一件事情的进行。 详细解释: 意思是:把某物放在某物上面搁置一段时间。 put 英[pʊt] 美[pʊt] vt. 放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态); vt. 使感觉到; 使受到…的影响; vi. 说; 猛推; 将…送往; 使与…连接; [例句]Leaphorn put the...
If you put something on hold, it means, you are not going to do it right away. 如果你暂缓某事,意思就是说你不会马上去做这件事。 You are going to wait before you act. 在你行动之前,你会稍微等一等。 You might also hear someone say this to you on the phone: Let me put you on ho...
Put Something on Hold. Let's listen.Put Something on Hold 暂缓某事A: Hey! How is your job search going? Have you decided where you want to move?B: No. I have decided to put my search on hold. I decided I had better finish getting my Master's degree at the university before I ...
Put something on hold: 表示暂时停止或延期进行某件事。比如,"We've put our plans on hold for now, but we'll revisit them later." (我们现在暂时搁置了计划,稍后会重新考虑。) 4. 放进,投入: “放进”某个东西时,可以用一些更形象的短语: Put something into something: 表示将精力、时间...
牛津大学在新冠疫苗的试验暂停了,因为出现了有志愿者出现了不良反应。 这则新闻中多次出现了put sth on hold 这个短语 来自The Free Dictionary的解释 put (something) on hold To pause, postpone, or suspend an activity. 暂停、延期 例句: Final clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine, developed by Astra...
- Put something on hold/ on pause:暂停某事物。 8.其他常见用法: - Put up with something:忍受某事物。 - Put forward a proposal/ an idea:提出提案/主意。 - Put your mind to something:全力以赴做某事。 - Put something into practice/action:将某物付诸实践/行动。 - Put something at risk/in...