“be put on hold”的意思是搁置、延期或暂停,用来描述某个计划、项目或活动因为某种原因而暂时无法继续进行,需要等待进一步的情况
“put on permanent hold”指的是某项活动、计划或项目被永久性地搁置或停止,不再进行或推进。这是一种长期且不可逆的暂停状
delegates proposed that the elaboration of new normative instruments be put on hold and that efforts should rather be directed towards the consolidation [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 在这方面,一些代表建议暂时停止新的准则性文件的制订工作,应该将精力 放在已有准则的巩固和执行上。 unesdoc.unesco.org The...
学到的知识只有通过实际运用,才能真正put into practice。Put on hold:搁置 由于资金不足,公司决定将新项目put on hold。Put off:推迟 由于天气原因,我们不得不put off明天的户外活动。Put in charge:委派负责 公司决定将这个项目的领导责任put in charge给经验丰富的团队成员。Put at risk:置于风险 不慎的...
put something on ice 延迟 put on airs 装腔作势 put on hold 延期,暂停,搁置 put up with 忍受 put in for 申请 put in for leave 请假 put into words 用文字来表达 put into effect 实行,使生效 put into operation 实施,使生效,开动,使投入生产 ...
being put on hold Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 穿 穿上动 hold动— 持动 · 进行动 · 持有动 · 持有...动 · 容动 · 举行动 · 追究动 · 举办动 · 有效动
I have a friend who put her career on hold after she got married and had children. She stayed at home until the oldest was four years old,__56__she began doing part-time jobs to get out of the house. That wasn´t enough, so she took a full-time job, which__57__her to trav...
CATTI口译高频词汇 ... ... be way ahead 远远在前面be put on hold暂停build onto the existing system 改造现有体制 ... www.putclub.com|基于5个网页 2. 搁置 SamStar - 博客园 ... 处理(这里为不及物) dispose of搁置be put on hold当下。暂时 for the time being ... ...
Put something on hold: 表示暂时停止或延期进行某件事。比如,"We've put our plans on hold for now, but we'll revisit them later." (我们现在暂时搁置了计划,稍后会重新考虑。) 4. 放进,投入: “放进”某个东西时,可以用一些更形象的短语: Put something into something: 表示将精力、时间...