Sell Covered Put 的话,最大的风险(相对于直接买入正股)不是股价暴跌,而是股价一直涨。假设你本来就要买1万股腾讯,选择了Sell 1万股对应的Put,股价暴跌的时候,你被Put 进来一万股腾讯,那持有成本也比你当初直接买1万股低了点啊(减去获得的权利金); 但是如果没有跌,涨到400去了,你就只赚了一点点权利金。...
不管是sell covered call还是sell covered put,都不是完全无风险的,很有可能让你错失良机。 如果把买卖股票比作一维,那么期货就是二维,而期权就是三维了。操作难度是指数级增加的。期权交易是非常难的,而且还自带杠杆,大多数人都不应该参与期权交易。 具体原因可以参考《期权卖方的风险》网页链接 told you. ———...
第一种Sell (covered) call,卖出看涨期权(持有该股票相应数量的股票担保),如果该期权到期未被行权,...
whether bullish, bearish or neutral, that the option trader or investor wants to implement. With a sell to open, the investor writes a call or put in hopes of collecting a premium. The call or put may be covered or naked depending on whether ...
sell put 和 sell covered call 也是价值投资的实践 sell put 和 sell covered call本质上是基于未来现金流折现的价值投资,区别在于期权策略提供了一个,针对你所毛估估出来的价值的买入或卖出的机会,如果这个机会不给你,还白给你权利金。 举个sell put的例子,PDD23012035P,2021年12月6日拼多多股票大跌,股价最低...
所以在持有到期的情形下,两者唯一的区别在于covered call成本更高,sell put有保证金追加风险。而在持仓...
Sell-write strategytradestockinvestmentSummary This chapter presents covered put/sell-write strategy that is philosophically identical to the covered call strategy. The covered put is used when stock is stagnant but a possible downward movement is anticipated. One uses this strategy when a stock is ...
Covered Put Example Assuming you shorted 700 shares of QQQQ at $44. Sell To Open 7 contracts of QQQQ Jan43Put. Profit Potential of Covered Put :The Covered Put's maximum profit occurs when the stock closes exactly at the strike price of the short put options at expiration. ...
Summary This chapter presents covered put/sell-write strategy that is philosophically identical to the covered call strategy. The covered put is used when stock is stagnant but a possible downward movement is anticipated. One uses this strategy when a stock is traded in a tight range for a peri...
可以从cash covered sell put开始,假设你想50元买某只股票,无论什么情况50元接货你都不后悔的话,现在股价在50以上,可以sell一个3个月内的50元的put,比如卖了4元,因为你是cash covered的,等于你46元接货,唯一的风险是期权到期后股价低于46元,你会觉得买贵了,但总比你50元买便宜,对吧。