Put Option 就是“看跌期权”。例如,你觉得腾讯的股票会跌,但是又不确定。那怎么办呢?就买腾讯股票...
首先sell put是一个约定俗成的简写,完整的写法应该是sell put option.put option是卖出期权,也就是在...
When you sell a put option, you're promising to buy a stock at a set price if it falls below that level—similar to how an insurance company promises to pay if your car gets damaged. In exchange, you collect a premium upfront. With call options, you're promising to sell a stock at...
Summary This chapter presents covered put/sell-write strategy that is philosophically identical to the covered call strategy. The covered put is used when stock is stagnant but a possible downward movement is anticipated. One uses this strategy when a stock is traded in a tight range for a peri...
“I actually really enjoy when customers ask detailed questions before purchasing items,” says Meesh, who finds that the communication helps her recommend the best products. But occasionally, she’ll even find that another brand might be better suited to her needs. “I have a lot of peers in...
Investors sell a call option when they are bearish on a stock. The owner can sell the security at a specific strike price before expiration.
Another great benefit of covered calls is that they help reduce cost basis of the stock by the amount of the option sold. It also illustrates the real-life examples of author's parents that covered call trades with IBM and Dell. These examples show traders a good idea of how it can be...
Cash-secured put sale: You keep enough money in your account to buy the stock or cover the put. Naked put: This is when you sell a put unhedged. This option strategy is not covered by cash but rather by margin. Example Using Commodities ...
一直在用robinhood,交易option也没手续费,用来sell covered call很合适。但注册需要美国的ssn号,如果在美国还是很推荐的。打个广告,可以用我的推荐链接注册,能随意得一股股票。Your free stock is waiting for you! Join Robinhood and we'll both get a stock like Apple, Ford, or Facebook for free. Sign...
买入看跌期权(Long Put) 卖空看涨期权(Sell Call) 卖空看跌期权(Sell Put) Long Call / Long Put 前两者想必不需要过多介绍,很多散户刚开始玩期权都是long call, long put。毕竟亏损有上限,收益无上限,紧张刺激。尤其是短期到期期权(weekly option), 越临近到期日,经常当天都是几倍,甚至数十倍的涨幅。拿出50...