papillon-lefevere syn papilo machaon papistry papos de anjo pappel von unten paprsly papulatus papw papyrology paquew water par can par hye kyoung para anesthesia para asÍ olvidarte de para fluoro bromo ben para laziim valla para price para sulfamoylbenzoic para toluenesulfonic para tripitaka par...
(=not show that they were sad or worried).7put on weight/12 lbs/4 kg etcto becomefatterandheavierSYNgainRosie’s put on five kilos since she quit smoking.8event/concert/play etcput something ↔ ontoarrangefor aconcert, play etc to take place, or toperformin itOne summer the children...
(doing) somethingDon’t let your failures put you off trying harder.3put somebody offto make someonewaitbecause you do not want to meet them, pay them etc until laterSYNstallWhen he calls, put him off as long as you can.4put somebody off (something)British Englishto make itdifficultfor...
put X in the place of Y gorra X yn le Y put it in your heart gorr e y'th kolon put in bags sagha put in jeopardy peryllys put in danger gorra yn peryl · peryllys put a sock in it gas dha son · sens dha glapp · sens dha vin · serr dha dhiwen · syns dha...
如:Their movement acted as a catalyst for change in the workplace.(他们的作为是让车间产生变化的诱因。) centenarian中的CENT源自拉丁文,意为one hundred(centenary, centennial, centimeter);EN即ENN/ANN,也源自拉丁语,意为year;后缀-ARIAN意为“…派的(人),…岁的(人)”(vegetarian, ***agenarian)。
put in a heap put in bags put in danger put in jeopardy put in order 将“put him to use"翻译成凯尔特文 gul devnydh anodho是将“put him to use"翻译成 凯尔特文。 译文示例:put him to use ↔ / gul devnydh anodho / / / put...
syn: mind, intellect, brain refer to that part of a conscious being that thinks, feels, wills, perceives, or judges. mind is a philosophical, psychological, and general term for the center of all mental activity, as contrasted with the body and the spirit: His mind grasped the complex is...
1.A domesticated carnivorous mammal(Canis familiarissyn.Canis lupussubsp.familiaris)occurring as a wide variety of breeds, many of which are traditionally used for hunting, herding, drawing sleds, and other tasks, and are kept as pets.
Putken synkronoinnin määrittäminen Seuraavat vaiheet Julkaisemme säännöllisesti päivityksiä ALM Accelerator -putkimalleista. Käytä ALM Acceleratorin mukana tulevaa putken synkronointimallia pitääksesi putkimallisi automaattisesti ajan tasalla.Put...
settsyn settsowgh settsons settyas INDICATIVE PLUPERFECT settsen settses settsa settsen settsewgh settsens settsys SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT settiv setti settyo settyn settyowgh settyons settyer SUBJUNCTIVE IMPERFECT settyen settyes settya settyen settyewgh settyens settys IMPERATIVE sett settyes set...