Related to put in:put in place Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> apply submit make an appli... post put up set up install instal set up for use break up cut in break in barge in ...
Synonyms for put in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for put. 714 synonyms for put: place, leave, set, position, rest, park, plant, establish, lay, stick, settle, fix, lean, deposit, dump, prop, lay down, put down, situate. What are synonyms for put?
[英 [put in] 美 [pʊt ɪn] ] put in的意思、解释 put in 基本解释 做; (使)在内; 在…上花费; 选举…执政 put in 相关例句 ph. 1. put in在线翻译 1. He put in a claim for $500 damages. 他提出一项五百美元赔偿的要求。
Synonym Study Put, place, lay, set mean to bring or take an object (or cause it to go) to a certain location or position in order to leave it there. Put is the general word: to put the dishes on the table; to put one's hair up. Place is a more formal word, suggesting precisi...
to fix something in a place where it will be seen synonym display to put up a notice to raise something or put it in a higher position to put up a flag She's put her hair up. to raise or increase something They've put up the rent by £20 a month. to provide or ...
Synonym: retire 7. put out considerable effort e.g. He put out the same for seven managers 8. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to e.g. Sorry to trouble you, but... Synonym: troubleinconveniencedisobligediscommodeincommodebother 9. be sexually active ...
put your ideas in writing put into a certain place or abstract location Put your things here Set the tray down Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children Place emphasis on a certain point Synonym:setplaceposepositionlay adapt
place set settle stick Strong matches concenter concentrate deposit embed fasten fix fixate nail park peg plank plant plop plunk quarter repose rest rivet seat situate Weak matches plank down plunk down verbas inpropose; express in words Compare Synonyms ...
The rise in interest rates put our estimates out by several thousands. to push a bone out of its normal position synonym dislocate She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out. (also formal put something forth) to develop or produce new leaves, shoots, etc. put out (to…/...
Synonyms for put in for in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for put in for. 714 synonyms for put: place, leave, set, position, rest, park, plant, establish, lay, stick, settle, fix, lean, deposit, dump, prop, lay down, put down, situate. What are synonyms for pu