打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。 Push-Ups4+ Thomas Schoffelen 专为iPad 设计 4.3 • 23 个评分 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 The simplest app you will ever install. Keep track of the number of push ups you do, simply by tapping on the screen. ...
Hello! Meet your perfect partner for making push-ups easier and more fun! Discover the amazing features of our app: - Simple UI: An intuitive and clean interface that anyone can use easily! - Proximity Sensor Usage: Place your smartphone on the floor, and it automatically counts your push-...
Push Ups app to help you getting to do 50, 75, 100 or 125 push ups in a row, all at your own pace, using your Android device!
App 隐私 开发者“Zen Labs”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 未与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,但数据不会关联你的身份: 联系信息 使用数据 诊断 隐私处理规范可能基于你使用的功能或你的年龄等因素而有所不同。了解更多 ...
From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 100 pushups. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ First 2 weeks are free! Get started today...
#限免App推荐# 健身教练 Pushups Coach【身材锻炼】,适用于iPhone。一款可训练胸肌等肌肉的健身训练应用,你只要按照教练所指示的一周训练半小时,保证六周之后让你练就一身强健的体魄。支持三种程度不同的等级训练,可追踪并图解显示本身的训练量与卡路里消耗。... 下载:O网页链接 ...
#限免App推荐# 俯卧撑锻炼:Pushups Trainer【私人健美教练】,适用于iPhone。让男士们塑造完美胸肌的健美应用。界面设计简洁雅观,支持视网膜显示。用户可以制定自己的方案,应用自动计算时间和数量。每周只需30分钟,你就可以达到你想要的效果! 下载: O网页链接 ...
Hundred Pushups Android apps. If you're an experienced Android App Developer looking to create an all-new Hundred Pushups app, feel free to contact me.
targetResultMap.isEmpty()) {System.err.println("push fail token:"+targetResultMap); } }else{// 调用推送接口服务异常 eg: appId、appKey非法、推送消息非法...// result.code(); //服务异常码// result.comment();//服务异常描述System.out.println(String.format("pushMessage error code:%s comment...