100 Push-Ups 個俯臥撑計數器和訓練器 4+ 肌肉鍛煉和健身 Foxyfitness GmbH 5.0 • 1 個評分 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 100 個俯臥撑計數器和訓練器是一款專注於完成俯臥撑的訓練和鍛煉應用程序。該應用程序可以通過手機內置的附近傳感器自動檢測俯臥撑,並跟踪您的個人記錄和總重複次數...
提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 100 个俯卧撑计数器和训练器是一款专注于完成俯卧撑的训练和锻炼应用程序。该应用程序可以通过手机内置的附近传感器自动检测俯卧撑,并跟踪您的个人记录和总重复次数。此外,还提供语音指导和 是时候给自己施压了! 100 个俯卧撑计数器和训练器是一款专注于完成俯卧撑的训练和锻炼...
Want to be stronger? This app will take you there. It will train you from 0 to 100 pushups in 10 Weeks! ● Get ready to live your dream ! Pushups 0 to 100 is made by experts, the same people that built the awesome 5K Runner and 10K Runner apps. ...
提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 Build a Great Chest & Strong Arms. Train from 0 to 100 pushups in 10 weeks. ● Get ready to live your dream. Made by the Clear Sky Fitness Experts, the same people that built the famous Situps, Pull-ups, Squats, 5K Runner and 10K Runner ...
Train from 0 to 100 pushups in 10 weeks. ● Get ready to live your dream. Made by the Clear Sky Fitness Experts, the same people that built the famous Situps, Pull-ups, Squats, 5K Runner and 10K Runner apps. --- ABOUT THE APP --- Gradually go from 0 to 100 pushups in 10 ...
100 Push Ups Trainer will help you train your body to be able to do 100 consecutive push ups. It will take you through a six week training program. You can see statistics about your training and complete achievements.
This is the free, ad supported version of the popular Hundred Pushups app and program. A paid ad free version is also available. Please tap the ads to support the program and keep the updates and enhancements coming! If you're serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week...
Push100 is a simple tool that helps you calculate and log your pushup progress toward your goal of 100 pushups. Based on the "Double Max" method published in the book The Ultimate Guide To Pushups by David Nordmark. Push100更新内容 更稳定、更优质,邀您一起体验。 更多 网友评论更多 下...
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