Go in public match "can you hear me" x10 Additionally: I have confirmed my Discord calling is fine. In game CS2 settings Mic is correct, and I've tried default as well I've tried Yes for Perspective Correction and Yes/No for Streamlined Push To Talk ...
这都是你做的好事,你还有脸说You're one to talk#学英语#每日英语 00:10 只有先成为nobody,才有可能成为anybody.I'm nobody别再理解成我不是人了#学英语 #每日英语打卡 00:10 做行动上的矮人,不做语言上的巨人。#学英语 #学习 #英语 #励志 #经典 #口语天天练 00:12 做好你该做的,拿捏好...