Push to Talk in CS:GO is a feature that lets you communicate with your teammates by pressing a specific key to activate your microphone. It's super useful because it helps keep the comms clear of background noise and irrelevant chatter. Instead of your mic picking up every single breath or...
STEWIE RESPONDSTO THE TARIK SITUATION!? SHROUDS RETURN TO CSGO MAKE HIMTOXIC?! - 152 -- 51:15 App EPIC GAME! - NaVi vs FURIA - DreamHack Masters - HIGHLIGHTS | CSGO 19 -- 17:50 App Sh1ro AWP skills, Refrezh WILD headshots | SpringShowdown Highlights 53 -- 8:01 App Italy in the...
I've tried Yes for Perspective Correction and Yes/No for Streamlined Push To Talk Impact to me as a player: Voice communication is very important to the game being enjoyable. It is also important for strategy. It's definitely not as fun when someone loses a round due to me being unable...
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