fatal: No configured push destination.(致命:没有配置推送目的地。),没有传到远程仓库 第一次用push会出现这种问题,百度后的第一种解决方案: $ git remote add origin '传送的url' $ git push -u origin master 1. 2. 依旧会出现↓ 出现错误: error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://gitee.co...
10 Cannot push git to remote repository: (SSH error) 3 I am trying to git push heroku but have been getting the same error below 0 Git push heroku error 3 Getting error when trying to git push to remote branch (Heroku) 13 'git push heroku master' command returns 'fatal: Could...
and it is possible even when you are pushing into a repository nobody else pushes into. After you push commit A yourself (in the first picture in this div), replace it with "git commit --amend" to produce commit B, and you try to push it out, because forgot that...
git remote add origin-push $(git config remote.origin.url) git fetch origin-push 现在,当后台进程运行git fetch origin时,`origin-push`上的引用将不会被更新,因此,像这样的命令: git push --force-with-lease origin-push 除非你手动运行git fetch origin-push,否则会失败。当然,这种方法完全可以被运行gi...
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again. ...
git 常用命令: 将本地项目push到远程仓库 一个小tip:.git文件默认是隐藏的,显示隐藏文件方法如下mac系统: 快捷键:shift+command+. 命令行: ...
1.可能是远程仓库名错误,不过很少见,你可以登录查看一下,再关联一下 git remoteaddorigin git@github.com:username/learngit.git 2.没有push的权限,当时老板说已经加了我账户参与开发,就没有立即想过这个原因,后面试了其他相似的问题的方法,都不可以,最后没办法,才去问老板,才发现是真的忘记给我这个权限,哈哈...
如果要强制禁用Fast forward模式,Git就会在merge时生成一个新的commit,这样,从分支历史上就可以看出分支信息。下面我们实战一下--no-ff方式的git merge: 第一步:仍然创建并切换dev分支: 第二步:修改readme.txt 第三步:提交一个新的commit 第四步:切换回master分支 ...
SinceGitLab EnterpriseEdition 8.2 you could sync all changes from a remote repository to one on GitLab. In GitLab 8.7 we introduced the second part of the mirroring functionality: the ability to push changes to an external repository from GitLab. ...
1. 问题 IEDA(版本2018.1.6)中使用 git 向远程 push/pull 代码时,出现 Could not read from remote repository 错误。 网上搜了一下说是ssl证书的验证问题,并且我用的SSH的请求url: 2. 解决办法 在 File -->