fatal: No configured push destination.(致命:没有配置推送目的地。),没有传到远程仓库 第一次用push会出现这种问题,百度后的第一种解决方案: $ git remote add origin '传送的url' $ git push -u origin master 1. 2. 依旧会出现↓ 出现错误: error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://gitee.co...
在GitHub官网里登录自己的账号并且新建一个远程仓库 打开git cmd 找到自己的工程文件夹 通过git init新建自己的本地仓库 通过git add . 把文件添加到暂存区,不要忘记后面的小数点 通过git commit -m "create new",将文件提交到仓库,引号内为提交说明 通过git remote add origin 你的远程地址来关联到远程仓库 如...
创建远程仓库的时候,如果你勾选了Initialize this repository with a README(就是创建仓库的时候自动给你创建一个README文件),那么到了第九步你将本地仓库内容推送到远程仓库的时候就会报一个failed to push some refs tohttps://github.com/guyibang/TEST2.git的错。 这是由于你新创建的那个仓库里面的README文...
You can make interesting things happen to a repository every time you push into it, by setting uphooksthere. See documentation forgit-receive-pack[1]. When the command line does not specify where to push with the<repository>argument,branch.*.remoteconfiguration for the current branch is consult...
To github.com:qweqwe/Test.git ! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first) error: failed to push some refs to 'github.com:qweqwe/Test.git' hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushi...
git 常用命令: 将本地项目push到远程仓库 一个小tip:.git文件默认是隐藏的,显示隐藏文件方法如下mac系统: 快捷键:shift+command+. 命令行: ...
1.可能是远程仓库名错误,不过很少见,你可以登录查看一下,再关联一下 git remoteaddorigin git@github.com:username/learngit.git 2.没有push的权限,当时老板说已经加了我账户参与开发,就没有立即想过这个原因,后面试了其他相似的问题的方法,都不可以,最后没办法,才去问老板,才发现是真的忘记给我这个权限,哈哈...
Since GitLab Enterprise Edition 8.2 you could sync all changes from a remote repository to one on GitLab.In GitLab 8.7 we introduced the second part of the mirroring functionality: the ability to push changes to an external repository from GitLab....
Git push is a command to upload content from your local repository to a remote repository. By using Git push, you can keep other developers in your team up to date on all the changes you have made to the codebase. Git push is a helpful command for syncing your local changes to a rem...
git 可以向远程仓库pull,但是不能向远程仓库push1.为什么我在远程新建的仓库,只能pull.不能push. Counting objects: 17, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done. Writing objects: 100% (17/17), 2.92 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done....