fatal: No configured push destination.(致命:没有配置推送目的地。),没有传到远程仓库 第一次用push会出现这种问题,百度后的第一种解决方案: $ git remote add origin '传送的url' $ git push -u origin master 1. 2. 依旧会出现↓ 出现错误: error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://gitee.co...
就使用方法2,进行正常项目和报错项目的.git/hooks的文件的比较,发现自己报错的项目在.git/hooks文件夹里面缺少了commit-msg脚本文件。 进行文件补全,就可以正常的push代码了。
参考这个答案:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5785549/able-to-push-to-all-git-remotes-with-the-one-command 可以再看看这个评论Super cool trick! The only disadvantage is that it does not move remote heads. You need to rungit fetch --allright after doing such push....
Pushing an empty <src> allows you to delete the <dst> ref from the remote repository. Deletions are always accepted without a leading+in the refspec (or--force), except when forbidden by configuration or hooks. Seereceive.denyDeletesingit-config[1]andpre-receiveandupdateingithooks[5]. ...
How to Git Push a Branch to Remote with a Git GUI To push a branch in GitKraken Desktop, checkout the desired branch and then simply select thePushbutton in the toolbar. Alternatively, there are two other ways to Git push a remote branch: ...
git remote add origin https://github.com/struggle3g/GitTest.git 4.push到远程服务器 git push -u origin master 到这步以后出现了错误: ! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first) 经过分析得出一个结论需要 git fetch origin //需要从远程分支拉取代码到本地缓存区域,本地代码不合并。
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://gitlab.geely.com/F-QCDS/test-lab/test-lab.git' 1. 2. 最后发现问题是 git push 指令的格式为: git push [remote-name(通常为 origin)] [branch-name(远程仓库的分支名)] 1. 当将本地分支 push 到远端同名的分支时,branch-name 只需要写一个分支名...
git 常用命令: 将本地项目push到远程仓库 一个小tip:.git文件默认是隐藏的,显示隐藏文件方法如下mac系统: 快捷键:shift+command+. 命令行: ...
git push命令是Git同步流程中很多组件之一。通过git remote命令配置远程仓库之后,使用git提供的这一组同步命令对配置之后的远程仓库分支进行操作。git push命令可以被看作是上传commits,相反git fetch和git pull命令则可被看作是下载操作。一旦版本更新被上传或者下载操作同步之后,在相应的仓库内就可以使用git merge命令来...
The Git push command uploads local changes to your remote repository. Generally, when using Git, your code exists in both a local repository on your computer, as well as one or more repositories on a server. We call the repos stored on a server “remotes”. Git push will upload Git ...