Adding a push day to your routine could also provide the added benefit of more efficiently targeting these muscles and allowing for better recovery. Push days are typically programmed together with“pull” days, which incorporate rowing exercises and train thelatissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, trapezius...
Muscles take an average of 48-72 hours to recover from intense training (2). As such, you can do a full-body push-pull-legs triset workout 2-4 times a week. Ideally, I suggest following a day-on/day-off routine, which provides the ideal balance between work and rest. However, I ...
The push-up is a great exercise to loosen up before a training session. It helps warm up your upper body for intense resistance training routines. The push-up is also a potent finisher exercise to be done at the end of a chest-training routine. It’ll help you end your training session...
Monkey Bars – So the monkey bars aren’t a move really, but they are a wonderful tool for any outdoor workout. I love to do pull ups off of them or even just swing across them. You can even do a pull up hold on them. (We have numerous different ways to use the Monkey Bars ...
Doing Pull Ups The pull-up is the perfect partner for push-ups. It’s equally low-tech but high-effect. And, like the push-up, you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to do this awesome exercise. However, the pull-up IS more challenging, so most people can only do half as many...
For an exercise to be beneficial, the general recommendation is typically 2 – 4 working sets (not including warm up sets). But it really depends on your overall routine and total training volume. Reps You should push yourself to get close to as many reps as possible. You don’t necessari...