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The use of a linear program solver has some advantages over greedier approaches. For example, it notices when a push notification is expiring soon and prioritizes getting it sent out quickly, even if other pushes in the inbox appear to be more valuable in the near-term. Additionally, it can...
Pusher is a fast push notification platform for APNS and GCM. Features Multi-services - Pusher supports both gcm and apns services, but plugging a new one shouldn't be difficult; Stats reporters - Reporting of sent, successful and failed notifications can be done easily with pluggable stats rep...
Asynchronous push notification based on Kafka Architecture Client connect to server: A client wants to subscribe a channel on comet through tcp or websocket,comet tells logic: "Here comes a guy,shall I keep a connection with him ?".
The message body to use in a push notification that's based on the message template. Required: No Type: String Update requires: No interruption ImageIconUrl The URL of the large icon image to display in the content view of a push notification that's based on the...
在实现uniapp的在线消息推送和离线消息推送的功能的时候,消息通知是能够正常推送的,但是有一点没有能够很好的实现,就是消息推送过来的时候,直接进入到了消息栏里面,没有悬浮窗或者是横幅通知展示出来,测试机型:华为平板。 在网上找了一圈都没有找到解决方法,所以就怀疑是不是应用的配置问题,就是试了一试,发现还真...
<action android:name="cn.jpush.android.intent.NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED_PROXY"/> <!--Required 显示通知栏--> <category android:name="您应用的包名"/> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT"/> ...
Consumer的一种,应用通常主动调用Consumer的拉消息方法从Broker拉消息,主动权由应用控制。 Producer Group一类 Producer的集合名称,返类... 条消息。在CORBA Notification 规范中,无此消费方式。在JMS 规范中,JMS point-to-point model 不之类似,但是RocketMQ的集群消费功能大等亍 ...
Type: AWS::Pinpoint::PushTemplate Properties: ADM: AndroidPushNotificationTemplate APNS: APNSPushNotificationTemplate Baidu: AndroidPushNotificationTemplate Default: DefaultPushNotificationTemplate DefaultSubstitutions: String GCM: AndroidPushNotificationTemplate Tags: - Tag TemplateDescription: String TemplateName:...
CreateNotificationConfiguration Lifecycle Hook APIs UpgradeLifecycleHook DescribeLifecycleHooks DeleteLifecycleHook CreateLifecycleHook CompleteLifecycleAction ModifyLifecycleHook Instance Refresh APIs StopInstanceRefresh StartInstanceRefresh RollbackInstanceRefresh ResumeInstanceRefresh DescribeRefreshActivities CancelInstanceRef...