checkDone(log.topicAndPartition) val segmentSize = segment.nextOffset() - segment.baseOffset require(segmentSize <= maxDesiredMapSize, "%d messages in segment %s/%s but offset map can fit only %d. You can increase log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size or decrease log.cleaner.threads".format(segment...
void run(long now) {//第一步,获取元数据Cluster cluster = metadata.fetch();// get the listofpartitionswithdata readytosend//第二步,判断哪些partition满足发送条件RecordAccumulator.ReadyCheckResult result = this.accumulator.ready(cluster, now);/*** 第三步,标识还没有拉取到元数据的topic*/if (!
private static final String CHECK_CRCS_DOC = "Automatically check the CRC32 of the records consumed. This ensures no on-the-wire or on-disk corruption to the messages occurred. This check adds some overhead, so it may be disabled in cases seeking extreme performance."; public static final S...
示例中用到的SLS_开头的参数配置请参见配置方式。 # Kafka output plugin configuration[[outputs.kafka]]## URLs of kafka brokersbrokers=["SLS_KAFKA_ENDPOINT"]## Kafka topic for producer messagestopic="SLS_LOGSTORE"routing_key="content"## CompressionCodec represents the various compression codecs ...
log.flush.interval.messages 强制页缓存刷写到磁盘的条数,默认是 long 的最大值,9223372036854775807。一般不建议修改, 交给系统自己管理。 每隔多久,刷数据到磁盘,默认是 null。一般不建议修改,交给系统自己管理。 replication.factor🚩 创建Topic时每个分区的副本数,默认是1 min.insync.repli...
该属性注释中描述的是: 如果将该值设置为true,那么WriteMessages方法(Producer写入消息至Kafka的函数)永远不会阻塞,也就是调用者是无法接收到Kafka返回的消息的,这样一来你就无法做到发送消息失败的重试,或者日志告警了。不过好在该属性的默认值为false。
All topics bytes in 以速率表示所有topic的字节,可以用来度量broker从生产客户端接收到的消息流量。这是一个很好的度量指标。可以帮助你确定何时需要扩展集群或者执行其他与增长相关的工作。它还有助于评估集群中的一个broker是否收了比其他broker更多的通信量。这表面有必要的reblance集群中的分区,更多细节如下: ...
>bin/ --broker-listlocalhost:9092--topic test Thisisa messageThisisanother message ctrl+c可以退出发送。 默认情况下,日志数据会被放置到/tmp/kafka-logs中,每个分区一个目录 Step 5: 启动consumer Kafka also has a command line consumer that will dump out messages to standard...
In the/bindirectory on theKafka client, run --bootstrap-server ${connection-address}--describe --group ${consumer-group-name}to check number of accumulated messages of each topic in a consumer group.LAGindicates the total number of messages accumulated in each to...
{topic name}: the topic name obtained in 4 For example,,, are the connection addresses of the Kafka instance. After running this command, you can send messages to the Kafka instance by entering the information as prompted ...