./bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic first --time -1 --partitions 0 返回的信息 first:0:9 9、从指定的分区--partition 0,指定偏移量—offset 5,最大消息输出--max-messages 5(当接收够五条就会关闭接收请求,不设置次选项就会一直接受)查询当前to...
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test_topic --from-beginning# 消费数据(最多消费多少条就自动退出消费) bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test_topic --max-messages 1# 消费数据(同时把key打印出来) bin/kafka-console-cons...
现象: 集群上某topic原来只有单复本, 增加双复本后,发现有些partition没有从leader同步数据,导致isr列表中一直没有新增的replica; 日志分析: [2017-09-20 19:37:05,265] ERROR Found invalid messages during fetch for partition [xxxx,87] offset 1503297 error Message is corrupt (stored crc = 286782282, ...
this consumer will get all the messages in topic T1 independent of what G1 is doing. G2 can have more than a single consumer, in which case they will each get a subset of partitions, just like we showed for G1, but G2 as a whole will still get all the messages regardless of othe...
bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list slave6:9092 -topic videoplay --time -1 1. 重置消费者offset bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server BORKER_HOST1:PORT1,BORKER_HSOT2:PORT2 --group GROUP_NAME --reset-offsets --execute --to-offset NEW_OFFSET --to...
kafka-console-producer.sh --topic lao-zhang-tou-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 1. 然后向其中写几条消息 kafka-console-producer.sh --topic lao-zhang-tou-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 {"message":"This is the first message"} ...
In Kafka, each topic is divided into set of partitions. Producers write messages to the tail of the partitions and consumers read them at their own pace. Kafka scales topic consumption by distributing partitions among aconsumer group, which is a set of consumers sharing a common group identifier...
Topic:特指 Kafka 处理的消息源(feeds of messages)的不同分类。 Partition:Topic 物理上的分组(分区),一个 Topic 可以分为多个 Partition 。每个 Partition 都是一个有序的队列。Partition 中的每条消息都会被分配一个有序的 id(offset)。 replicas:Partition 的副本集,保障 Partition 的高可用。
topic againtometadatatoensure itisincluded//andrequest metadataupdate, since there are messagestosendtothe topic.for(String topic : result.unknownLeaderTopics)this.metadata.add(topic);this.metadata.requestUpdate();}// removeanynodes we aren't readytosendtoIterator<Node> iter = result.readyNodes....
# Kafka output plugin configuration[[outputs.kafka]]## URLs of kafka brokersbrokers=["SLS_KAFKA_ENDPOINT"]## Kafka topic for producer messagestopic="SLS_LOGSTORE"routing_key="content"## CompressionCodec represents the various compression codecs recognized by## Kafka in messages.## 0 : No ...