Purpose: The project aimed to improve the patient satisfaction and safety through implementation of purposeful hourly rounding by nurses. Materials and Method: The FADE Quality Improvement model was used to guide the process. A video assisted training programme was developed abo...
C6 Purposeful Hourly Rounding Positively Impacts Pain Management, Compassion, Teamwork and Rounding Survey Scoresdoi:10.1016/j.pmn.2018.02.045Saul TrishaPain Management Nursing
Purposeful hourly rounding can improve quality, safety, and the patient's perception of their care. The results of this study found there was not a statistical significant difference in the incidence of patient falls with the implementation of hourly rounding.Brown, Crista H...
Nursing Quality Project: Making a Difference by Rounding Implementation of Purposeful Hourly Rounds (PHR) at Security Forces Hospital - Makkahdoi:10.21767/2574-2825-C4-010Raiza Jaafar JumahiMedPub