Purpose: The project aimed to improve the patient satisfaction and safety through implementation of purposeful hourly rounding by nurses. Materials and Method: The FADE Quality Improvement model was used to guide the process. A video assisted training programme was developed abo...
Results Structured hourly rounding using the P.A.T.H. model successfully hardwired hourly PIV assessments. The unit reduced their median moderate PIVIE rate to 1.83 per thousand patient days, an 41% improvement. The pilot also had positive unintended consequences of improved pain reassessment from...
Purposeful hourly rounding can improve quality, safety, and the patient's perception of their care. The results of this study found there was not a statistical significant difference in the incidence of patient falls with the implementation of hourly rounding.Brown, Crista H...
C6 Purposeful Hourly Rounding Positively Impacts Pain Management, Compassion, Teamwork and Rounding Survey Scoresdoi:10.1016/j.pmn.2018.02.045Saul TrishaPain Management Nursing
Nursing Quality Project: Making a Difference by Rounding Implementation of Purposeful Hourly Rounds (PHR) at Security Forces Hospital - Makkahdoi:10.21767/2574-2825-C4-010Raiza Jaafar JumahiMedPub