When using discord.py purge with slash commands: i can only delete 1 message or i get an error I can delete one message or else i get this error message in discord: "The application did not respond" Or this error message in the console: "discord.app_commands.errors... python...
A practical example I can think of is Discord. Youinstall Discord on Ubuntuwith deb file. Start using it by logging into your account. Remove Discord and install it again using deb file. Now if you start Discord, you’ll notice that you are already logged into your account. Surprising, n...
@SvrbinekYou have to find a way to execute SQL commands on the MariaDB database used for Home Assistant. I'm unable to help you with this, as I dont know/have a Synology server. The DB server usually accepts connections on port 3306, but a firewall on the Synology server might preve...