In short, you do need Admin privileges to delete messages. Bots that can delete messages from channels will ask for administrative rights in one way or another. As a regular user, you can’t delete messages from a server. You can remove them from your history, but they’ll stay on Disc...
带着童心出发,每一程都是童话 值此六一儿童节 祝腾讯云AI的大小朋友们儿童节快乐! 快乐之余,识别下...
Ban a MemberBan a member from the server Timeout a MemberTimeout a member in the server Change a Members NicknameChange a member nickname in the server Purge MessagesPurge messages in a channel Create Server InviteCreate an invite for the server ...
/purgeThis will clear hundreds of messages from a channel in your server. This is one of Arcane’s most advanced commands and has many search paramaters. /reasonUpdate a reason on a moderation log case /slowmodeEdit the slow-mode value for a channel. ...
/roll purge 10: Purge the last 10 messages from channel. The purge value can be between 2 to 100 messages and requires the user to have the "manage messages" or "administrator" role. /roll 4d6 ! Hello World!: Roll four six-sided dice and add comment to the roll. /roll 6 4d6 :...
PurgeMessages by bhop & nyx QuestCompleter by HappyEnderman & SerStars (Maintained by thororen) QuestionMarkReplacement by nyx Quoter by Samwich RepeatMessage by Tolgchu ReplaceActivityTypes by Nyako ReplyPingControl by ant0n & MrDiamond RPCStats by Samwich ScreenRecorder by AutumnVN (Vesktop &...
<User ID> <ExpDate> <cooldown> (Y-M-D)\n!bana <User ID> <Reason+Reason>\n?purge <amount>\n!ban <user> <reason>\n!unban <user>",inline=False)embed.set_footer(text="Dwayne Bot")awaitctx.send(embed=embed)@client.command()asyncdefpost(ctx,To,message,amount):users=awaitget_user_...
The platform allows you to hand over the keys to a user of your choice, as long as they’re part of the server. It can be a friend or an active member of the community. Pick carefully because, from that point on, this person will have full control over the forum. ...
!purge Delete the bots last message(s) from all chats User Control CommandDescription !ban Ban a player !kick Kick a user !userinfo Get information about a user !whitelist List whitelisted users for shouting out when live on Twitch !whitelistadd Delete a Twitch username from the going-live ...