In this paper, pure tone thresholds at 500 Hz and 4,000 Hz were investigated in patients with sudden deafness who came to our clinic within 4 days of onset. Particular attention was paid to the relationship between audiometric types according to the contour of the initial loss and degree of...
Double Doors Double Wall Pure tone Listening Audiometry Room For Hearing Center CHR-AR200 1. General Specifications: 1) Double-layer Wall and double doors, All-Steel modular structure 2) Outer Dimensions: 2*2*2.5m Inner Dimensions:1.5*1.5*2m 3) Outer Are...
pure tone au·di·o·gram a chart of the thresholds for hearing at various frequencies usually expressed in decibels relative to normal thresholds and usually covering frequencies from 250-8000 Hz. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
(Chen et al., 2007;Bielefeld et al., 2008;Chen and Henderson, 2009;Kong et al., 2009). Thepure tone audiometryis a routine method used in clinic to determine the degree, type, and configuration ofhearingloss. A normal pure tone audiogram is usually taken as evidence of normal hearing....
Relationships between tinnitus and audiometric variables in a large sample of Tinnitus Clinic patients Even though the diagnosis of otosclerosis is confirmed definitively during surgery, preoperative diagnosis and determination of the indication for surgery ... MB Meikle,SE Griest,LS Press,... 被引量...
From 1966 through 1983, 408 patients underwent primary removal of an acoustic neuroma at the Mayo Clinic. Of these, 21 had preoperative pure tone hearing levels of 25 dB hearing loss or better at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz, which for this study was defined as normal pure tone hearing. Fourte...
Infectious septic complications were diagnosed in the clinic on the basis of clinical and laboratory fin ...MethodsHemostasis and biochemical blood parameters were studied in 169 patients with over 20% of the body burned, from the first to 12th days after burn. Sepsis developed in 33 patients, ...
Objective: To validate self-reported hearing-related symptoms among personnel exposed to moderately high occupational noise levels at an obstetrics clinic.Design: Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were calculated for questionnaire items assessing hearing loss, tinnitus, sound sensitivity, poor ...
Ninety consecutive adult patients presenting to a tertiary care auditory clinic with auditory complaints were evaluated using standard audiometric testing and an application-based hearing test. Correlation between app results and standard audiogram for air conduction pure tone thresholds was evaluated. ...
PrognosisPure TonesObjectives: To investigate the relation between odyolgical findings and prognosis in patients with sudden hearing loss which were treated in our department.Materials And Methods: Patients files of 54 subjects with sudden hearing loss which were treated in our clinic were researched ...