Brooks D N, Hearing Screening: A Comparative Study of an Impedance Method and Pure tone. Scandinavian Audiology, 1973;2(2):67-72., D.N. 1973. Hearing screening, a comparative study of an impedance method and pure tone screening. Scand Audio...
3)pure tone screening audiometry纯音筛选测听法 4)Pure tone audiometry纯音测听 1.Methods Pure tone audiometry, auditory brainstem response (ABR) and CT were conducted in 55 cases.方法对55例(双耳15例,单耳40例,共70耳)先天性外、中耳畸形患者行纯音测听、听性脑干反应(ABR)和颞骨CT检查,其中45耳...
audiometry revealed left sensorineural hearing loss with pure tone average of 78dB.中文: 摘要51岁女性发生左侧突发性耳聋,经第一次璧院治疗后,听力轻微改善。英文: Pure tone is a sine wave.中文: 纯音是正弦波。英文: The relation between loudness and loudness limen of pure tone中文: 纯音信号的响度...
Explore a wide range of hearing aids at Puretone Hearing Aid Center in Texas. Our expert team helps you find the ideal hearing solution, offering personalized fitting and the latest technology to improve your hearing.
2) pure tone screening audiometry 纯音筛选测听法 3) EB-390MB 纯音测听仪 1. Methods: The hearing of 416 children (832 ears) of 3-4 years old was monitored byEB-390MBat 1000, 2000 and 5000 Hz respectively. 方法:利用EB 390MB纯音测听仪分别于 10 0 0、2 0 0 0及 5 0 0Hz对 4 ...
Tinnitus is one of the main hearing impairments often associated with pure-tone hearing loss, and typically manifested in the perception of phantom sounds.
MethodsPure tone audiometry, auditory brainstem response (ABR) and CT were conducted in 55 cases. 方法对55例(双耳15例,单耳40例,共70耳)先天性外、中耳畸形患者行纯音测听、听性脑干反应(ABR)和颞骨CT检查,其中45耳行外耳或中耳成形术,10耳单纯行耳廓成形术,并结合术中所见按不同程度的畸形分组,比较其...
To examine whether behavioral pure-tone audiometry (PTA) thresholds in children can be accurately estimated from the corresponding infants' click-evoked auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds through a retrospective review of data from a universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) program in Taiwan...
深入研究「Screening for hearing impairment in older adults by smartphone-based audiometry, self-perception, HHIE screening questionnaire, and free-field voice test: Comparative evaluation of the screening accuracy with standard pure-tone audiometry」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。 Hearing Impairment Medicin...
Brains tern Electric Response Audiometry: Estimation of the Amount of Conductive Hearing Loss with and without Use of the Response Threshold Three aspects of brainstem response audiometry were investigated in the present study. (1) The brainstem response threshold was compared with the pure-tone......