If the purchasing group is fed into the material master that means this person has to do the procurement for this material. Since Purchasing group involves in negotiation of the price with the vendor for that particular material. 2) I am creating PO's and STO's. I want certain purchasing ...
Unfortunately I get a warning message BBP_ATTR039 This branch already contains purchasing group ( Purchasing Group = Buyer_A1). So I am at a loss, because I dont know what the warning message means (if this has any adverse effects in the transaction). ...
This means that the net PPV is: Net PPV = Standard Price – IR Price = 10 – 12 = -2 USD per LB This is an unfavorable Purchasing Price Variance. Net PPV Now, on SAP there is a report that can be customized (configured) to get this Net PPV, this is: You can use transaction M...
Header data in the table EKKO ( Purchasing Document Header ) Item data in the table EKPO ( Purchasing Document Item ) Account assignment information in the table EKKN ( Account Assignment in the Purchasing Document) For more information about account assignment, see the SAP Library under Mate...
IndirectmeansthatthatpurchaserequisitionfromanotherSAPponentiscreatedautomatically.Purchaserequisitionscanbecreatedautomatically,asfollows: InMRP withmaintenanceorders withproductionorders withnetworks Transactions/Menupath Create/Change/DisplayPurchaseRequisition: SAPMenu→Logistics→MaterialManagement→Purchasing→Purchase...
Data which describes a supply relationship is stored in the purchasing information record. A master record must be created for the vendor. If a master record has been created for the material, it is a stock material info record, otherwise it is an info record for a material group (non-...
Directmeansthatapurchaserequisitioniscreatedmanuallyinthedepartmentthatm iceisordered,andthequantityanddate. IndirectmeansthatthatpurchaserequisitionfromanotherSAPponentiscreatedaut ,asfollows: o InMRP o withmaintenanceorders o withproductionorders o withnetworks Transactions/Menupath Create/Change/Display...
It will be automatically set in the "if-match" header of update requests and can be set as a custom header for delete requests. When no ETag is provided by the remote system the value of this variable defaults to "*". Optional authorizationGroup authoriza...
However, the SAP customizing is still there and troubles you for more than a minute. Technically it means you have still data in table T16FS, which is the table that stores the release codes to a strategy. This table has the key fields release group and release strategy. So you can ...
It means for one plant there can be three four purchasing organisation for procuremnt purpose. These three four purchase ogranisation may have one compny code or diffrent compny codes in same clinet. Depend on there function & setting they will be called as Central,Reference,or Distributed...