EKES table in SAP MM (Purchasing in MM) module. This tables is used for storing data of Vendor Confirmations. Here is it details, table fields, field types & length, technical data etc.
in SAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAPMM-PUR (Purchasing in MM) componentwhich is coming underMM module (Material Management). TMKR is a SAPstandard pooled tableused for storingSequence of Conditions Tables in Purchasingrelated data in SAP. It comes under the package ME...
inSAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAPFI-LC (Consolidation in FI) componentwhich is coming underFI module (Financial Accounting). GSBLCA is a SAPstandard transp tableused for storingBusiness area consolidation: deviating recordsrelated data in SAP. It comes under the package...
EKCPA table in SAP MM (Purchasing in MM) module. This tables is used for storing data of Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Account Assignment Data. Here is it details, table fields, field types & length, technical data etc.
T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types TABLES IN SAP 1 CUSTOMISING 3 1.1 GENERAL SETTINGS 3 1.1.1 Countries 3 1.1.2 Currency 3 1.1.3 Unit of measure 3 1.1.4 Calendar functions 3 1.2 ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE 3 1.2.1 Definition 3 1.2.2 Assignment 3 1.3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 4 1.3.1 Compan...
T160 - SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing T160B - SAP Transaction Control, List Displays, Purchasin T160C - SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL T160D - Function Authorizations: Purchase Order T160E - Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions T160I - Control of Intrastat...
1、ECCSSAP COMMON USED TABLES1-14TableTableTypeApplicationClassDataClassDescriptionLogicalDatabase/s NotesTF100Financial Statement ItemsTF101FS items: short and medium textsTF102FS items: long textsTF103Breakdown CategoriesTF104Breakdown categories: NameTF105FS Item CategoriesTF106FS Item Categories: D 2...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity, MM (Materials Management) Hi Experts, TABLES: T001L, "Storage Locations MARA, "General Material Data MAKT, "Material Descriptions MBEW, "Material Valuation MARC, "Plant Data for Material MARD. "Storage Location Data for Mate DATA: BAPI_HEAD LIKE BAPIMATHEA...
In the SAP profit center table you will find the different parts of the organization that are allowed to reporting group profits, for example the internal services of the various business units of a company. Therefore, the profit center table in SAP will be a central point of reporting and ...
In the SAP profit center table you will find the different parts of the organization that are allowed to reporting group profits, for example the internal services of the various business units of a company. Therefore, the profit center table in SAP will be a central point of reporting and ...