As of October 2023, JR Rail Pass users can purchase an additional ticket at the station to ride the Nozomi Shinkansen on both the Tokaidō Shinkansen (between Tokyo and Shin Osaka) and the Sanyō Shinkansen (between Shin Osaka and Hakata), or the Mizuho service running on both the Sanyō Sh...
Ask Question Get pocket Wifi in Japan Get inspired for your visit to Japan by following us on Instagram and don't forget your own shots once you are there. Find outwhere to buy the japan rail passonline. Order your JRPass Now!
Find outwhere to buy the japan rail passonline. Order your JRPass Now! 7 Days14 Days21 Days7 Days 1 tickets2 tickets3 tickets4 tickets5 tickets6 tickets7 tickets8 tickets9 tickets10 tickets11 tickets12 tickets13 tickets14 tickets15 tickets16 tickets17 tickets18 tickets19 tickets20 tickets21...
JR PASS问题我在淘宝买的JR pass分为普通席和软席,我买的是普通席票我准备从东京做到大阪 我准备坐Hikari号然后我又在看到把交换证换成日本铁路通票后,让我们到绿色窗口试一试预约预定座位吧。●预约预定座位不需追加费用。在预约预定座位之际,请您事先到JR车站的旅行中...
A post shared by Japan Rail Pass (@jrpass) onNov 14, 2017 at 1:16am PST Find outwhere to buy the japan rail passonline. Order your JRPass Now! 7 Days14 Days21 Days7 Days 1 tickets2 tickets3 tickets4 tickets5 tickets6 tickets7 tickets8 tickets9 tickets10 tickets11 tickets12 tickets...