Bought this with my mom before the price hiked up, it was really worth it especially we planned to go to Hiroshima, Osaka, and Nagoya. Just the two way trip going to Hiroshima on normal fare will cover the the pass' price so of course it's a no brainer to purchase the pass! Really...
Shinkansen Route Map: discover the specific bullet trains included with this pass Nozomi and Mizuho Trains: are not covered by JR Pass but you can purchase the “[ONLY WITH JAPAN RAIL PASS] Nozomi Mizuho ticket” at JR stations to take these trains. ...
Validity Purchase and exchange How to use the pass Does it pay off? The Japan Rail Pass (also commonly called JR Pass) is a nationwide rail pass for long-distance train travel in Japan. The pass can be used only by foreign tourists and offers unlimited rides on JR trains for one, two...
FREE Japan Rail Booklet with every purchase 7 day JR Pass: $336.00 14 day JR Pass: $537.00 A great value option Japan Rail Pass prices With an independent customer satisfaction rating of over 99% you can order with confidence. 4.8/5 Read 39810 customer reviews ...
Japan Rail Pass JR Pass - Unlimited Japan Rail Travel Starting from $345.00 for 7 Days Instant Quote FREE Japan Rail Booklet with every purchase 7 day JR Pass: $345.00 14 day JR Pass: $552.00 A great value option Japan Rail Pass prices...
FREE Japan Rail Booklet with every purchase 7 day JR Pass: $340.00 14 day JR Pass: $544.00 A great value option Japan Rail Pass prices With anindependent customer satisfaction rating of over 99%you can order with confidence. 4.8/5
购票详情: JR东日本东北地区铁路周游券 从东京出发,一券玩遍东北六县! 省钱例子:从东京到新青森搭乘新干线单程为17350日元(约1040人民币),周游券约1200人民币一张,当你搭回程就已经开始回本了。 适用城市:东京、札幌、轻井泽、日光、仙台、伊豆、东北六县(青森、秋田...
JR PASS问题我在淘宝买的JR pass分为普通席和软席,我买的是普通席票我准备从东京做到大阪 我准备坐Hikari号然后我又在看到把交换证换成日本铁路通票后,让我们到绿色窗口试一试预约预定座位吧。●预约预定座位不需追加费用。在预约预定座位之际,请您事先到JR车站的旅行中... 上的说明:预约预定座位不需追加费用。在预约预定座位...