If a question is within the quoted material, a question mark should be placed inside the quotation marks. Alberta asked, “Will you still be my friend?” The question “Will you still be my friend?” is part of the quotation. Alberta yelled in frustration, “I cannot be your friend!”...
Oh, come on. Even the punctuation is distorted to a question mark… by the way, the punctuation mentioned in last post is called “pause mark” in Chinese Bensays: Wednesday - September 4, 2013 at 7:32 am Hi Emiliano. I am so sorry that this reply is pretty late.I am busy with m...
An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that looks like this: ’ (sort of half of a quote) According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word apostrophe comes from the Greek apostrophes, meaning “turning away” (to one in particular). An apostrophe symbolizes letters that have been “turned a...
a书写包括字母、单词、句子、标点符号的正确书写。书写的好坏直接影响思想和情感的表达。英语中的写作就是学生用英文表达自己的思想情感的过程,也是用英文影响别人的过程。 Writing including letter, word, sentence, punctuation mark correct writing.Written quality direct influence thought and emotion expression.In ...
However… if you’re using a question mark or an exclamation point around a specific word, rather than enclosing a sentence, the quotation marks go before. Do you even know the meaning of the word “love”? It’s a girl – and her name is “Mary”! I hope this is correct – it’...
Mark Grossman says: March 27, 2016, at 9:48 pm I work for an organization that hosts several conferences each year on topics related to children and mental health. Adult mental health professionals attend the conferences. When referring to this series of conferences, would it be correct ...
The previousexample, after the last word "or" word, should be a question mark,should not stop. Since the last two sentences are the interrogative sentencesof choice relations, the use of "same" is the same as that of"evil"; with a full stop, it changes the interrogative tone andbecomes...
When more than one punctuation mark (not including quotation marks, parentheses or brackets) could be used at the same place in a sentence, use only the "stronger" - or more necessary - of the two. Question marks and exclamation points, for example, are stronger than commas and periods: "...
I translate audio so I cannot change the structure of the sentence. I’m just not sure about the question mark because there are actually two question, but I’m assuming you only need to use a single question mark and not …’What is this?’?”...
Wikipedia, though based in the US, eschews the American-style “punctuation inside the quotation mark.” I know, because I have made corrections that have subsequently been undone, and have been chastised when questioning the practice. Apparently, at Wikipedia, techie/programmer types make the rule...