But around day four or five, the effects of the chemo kicked in big time not only with loss of energy but also chemo brain fog combined with lack of sleep as every few hours he would be awakened for nurses to take vitals. What was fairly easy a few days ago became extremely laborious...
Today, Just One Word . . . November 4, 2008 bydontdatethatdude You know what? I don’t consider myself a political person, not remotely, and with the last 2 elections where I did actually vote I felt like my vote didn’t matter, but I’m still gonna get my ass out there this ...
55. We thus obtain fifteen excellent examples of the use of this word, with the full context and an exact reference (easily verified) in every case. And, in the above instance, all the quotations lie within the compass of the eleven texts in the Clarendon Press Series denoted, respectively...
There's some overhead and fiddliness with db.connection.cursor.execute looking at the string it receives in order to determine CUD operations. Maybe backends.DatabaseOperations should have a .is_select(sql) hook? Otherwise it'd be a decent compromise to just clearly document more that only di...