Most titles should be italicized, including book titles. Quotation marks are used for titles of shorter works (that are part of a larger work). For example, an album title is italicized; a song title is placed in quotation marks. A magazine title is italicized, but the title of an articl...
As we pause to connect,we might spare a thought for Georges Joseph Christian Simenon; he died on this date in 1984. A prolific author (who published nearly 500 novels and numerous short works), he is best known as the creator of the fictional detectiveJules Maigret. His work is featured ...
punctuation 英语标点的使用 Whydowepunctuatesentences?Readthefollowingpassagewithoutpunctuation.IwouldliketoapplyforajobwithyourcompanyfortwoyearsIhavebeenemployedasasalesclerkfortheJonesstoreIsoldnothingthatIdidnottakeprideinIamsureitwillbethesameifIworkforyou Lookathowmucheasieritistoreadwithwhathappenswhenwechange...
e.g.1)Weneedthreekindsofsupport:economic,moralandpolitical.2)Sheshowedmethebooksshehadjustborrowedfromthelibrary:twonovelsbyJaneAustenandabookonthehistoryofEnglishliterature.3)Threecauseshavebeengivenforthefailure:poorplanning,insufficientmanpower,andthestorageofmaterial. e.g.1)Thetrainleavesat10:45a.m.2)...
Song titles and sermon titles are enclosed in quotation marks. No italics or quotation marks are needed for general actions. Bethany says: March 23, 2015, at 8:19 am I understand that unfamiliar/technical terms are usually enclosed in quotation marks the first time they are used. However,...
2) She showed me the books she had just borrowed from the library: two novels by Jane Austen and a book on the history of English literature. 3) Three causes have been given for the failure: poor planning, insufficient manpower, and the storage of material. ...
will teach us to sing the song. 2) An old lady, nodding and smiling, invited us in. The Usage of Period Used to end declarative sentences, requests or mild orders Used in abbreviations e.g. 1) Every student should learn to use the punctuation marks. 2) Learn to use the punctuation ...