calling for little or no pause in reading, it does not need to be set off with a comma. Expressions such asalso, at least, certainly, consequently, indeed, of course, moreover, no doubt, perhaps, then,andthereforedo not always call for a pause. For instance:这些过渡单词不是必须加逗号...
They signify direct speech, capturing the exact words spoken or written by someone else. Additionally, they can highlight titles of shorter works, such as poems, articles, or song titles. 9. The Apostrophe (’) – Showing Possession and Contraction This small but mighty ma...
Quotation marks, in addition to being used around quotations, are also commonly used for emphasis and to indicate proper nouns and titles. —— The use of a second em dash to close a parenthetical thought is rare. Instead, a comma is usually used, or sometimes no punctuation at all. See...
Take My Word for It Place colons outside closing quotation marks.Use a colon to distinguish chapter from verse in a biblical citation, hours from minutes, titles from subtitles. Example: Song of Songs 4:15 Semi-ToughAdd semicolons and colons as needed to complete each sentence.Old postal ...
Today, most punctuation marks used in Chinese work the same as in English and other languages. But there are some notable exceptions. For example, there are the title marks 《》, or 书名号 (shūmínghào), used for the titles of books and films. These marks emerged in the 1950s and app...
2021/3/23 1.TheComma(,)(1)Acommaisusedtojoincoordinateclauses.Itisputbeforetheconjunction(and,but,or,for,so,nor,oryet),andithavetobejoinedwithacommaandaconjunction.e.g:Hurryup,orwe’llbelate.Heiswalkingontheroad,andthedogfollowshim.(2)Acommaisusedafteranadverbialclauseorphrase,includinga...
So, for example, the title of a newspaper, television show, or musical album would be set in italics. The title of an article from a newspaper, an episode of a television show, or a song from an album would be set in quotation marks....
••3.①nofullstop②questionmarkafteradirectquestion,e.g.:WhatDoILiveFor?③underlinethenameofabookE.g.:DifferentViewsonJaneEyre④quotationmarkwithquotesorthetitleofanarticleE.g.:InterpretationsofRobertFrost’s“FireandIce”•3.Punctuationmarks••inthetitle••• Capitalizethefollowingtitles:...
punctuation 英语标点的使用 Whydowepunctuatesentences?Readthefollowingpassagewithoutpunctuation.IwouldliketoapplyforajobwithyourcompanyfortwoyearsIhavebeenemployedasasalesclerkfortheJonesstoreIsoldnothingthatIdidnottakeprideinIamsureitwillbethesameifIworkforyou Lookathowmucheasieritistoreadwithwhathappenswhenwechange...
nonrestrictiveclausesandphrasesaresetoffbycommas非限定性定语从句和词组WangLing,whoisthebestsingeroftheclass,willteachustosingthesong.Hehadtoleavehishometown,wherehehadlivedeversinehewasborn.DrLi,thenewchairmanofthedepartment,willspeakatthemeeting.comma Thecommaishabitualyusedinplacesshown...