Judicious use of the exclamation mark adds emphasis to important statements. Overuse kills it's effectiveness. So think twice before using an exclamation mark. Here are some situations where nothing but an exclamation mark will give the same sense: To command Example: Get back! To convey irony ...
Learn how to use punctuation in quotes. Determine if a comma should go inside or outside quotes and if a period should be before or after quotation...
punctual- From Latin punctum, "point," it can mean "pertaining to punctuation," or "of or relating to a point in space." square brackets,parentheses,braces- Square brackets were formerly called crotchets, round brackets are commonly called parentheses, and curly brackets are called braces; the...
Before or after direct speech: He said, “I hate being treated like that.” “I’m sorry,” she replied. Before a coordinating conjunction: He woke up late, so he had to drive to work. 5. Semicolons (;) Used instead of a full stop to separate independent sentences: ...
Comma Before As: The Punctuation Rule You Never Knew You Needed Do You Capitalize After A Semicolon? Rules and Examples Comma Before Which: Clearing Up the Confusion Comma Before or After However: The Ultimate Guide Comma Before or After And: The Ultimate Guide to Proper Punctuation Pun...
Did he really ask, "Can I borrow $50,000?" How about periods and commas? Should a comma go inside or outside in a quote? Should you put the period before or after in a quote? Punctuations like periods (.) and commas (,) are usually placed inside the quotation marks. Below are so...
Different pieces of punctuation can radically change your writing’s message. Take a look at this example, which you might have seen before: Let’s eat Grandma. Let’s eat, Grandma. See how much of a difference a comma makes? Common punctuation errors and questions ...
“Think twice before you lie.” While it would not be incorrect per se to set them back to back, it might be confounding. 不换行分段也不能算错,但是呢,这容易让人迷惑。比如↓ “I’ve never stolen anything in my life.”“Think twice before you lie.” ...
You also put a commabefore or after the name of the person you are speaking to. Hello,Mr. Carter. Miss Lee,can I borrow a pencil, please? Goodbye,Andrew. Commas are usedbefore please and thank you. Could you pass me that pencil,please?
TheUsageofDashUsedtoindicateanunfinishedorinterruptedstatementUsedtosetoffaparentheticalelementUsedtointroduceafinalsummarizingclauseUsedtointroducesubheadingsandauthorsafterquotationsUsedtoindicateanabruptchangeofthoughtUsedtointroducethenonrestrictivemodifiers e.g.1)“Myideais—“youwanttoquit,don’tyou?2)Hisoldpr...