If you delete a full sentence or more in the middle of a quoted passage, use a period before the three ellipsis dots. 斜杠 Slash /// Use the slash to separate two or three lines of poetry that have been run in to your text. Add a space both before and after the slash. In the o...
after / although / while / when before / since / if / because even if / whether or not in case / unless so that / even though 更多使用逗号的情况# 介绍性短语 (Introdutory Phrases)# 介绍性短语一般独立放在句子开头,然后使用逗号将其与主句进行分隔。 Due to the bad weather,our game was ca...
标点符号用法(Punctuation) Brief usage of punctuation mark I. Basic definitions The sentence, both before and after the pause, and with a certain amount of intonation, said the relatively complete meaning. The pause in front or back of a sentence, in spoken language, is the time interval, whi...
Doyouknowhowmanykindsofpunctuationmarksthereare?WhatarethefunctionsofPunctuation?Toterminateandseparate Toconnectandseparate Tointroduce ,:—,—()[].!?,;- ConnectingtwoseparateideasConnectingtwoormorewords Introducingparallelexamples Enclosingadditionalinformation Toenclose Insertingandenclosingadditionalmaterial...
“Think twice before you lie.” While it would not be incorrect per se to set them back to back, it might be confounding. 不换行分段也不能算错,但是呢,这容易让人迷惑。比如↓ “I’ve never stolen anything in my life.”“Think twice before you lie.” ...
aRebot and Select proper Boot device or Insertboot media in selected Boot device and press a key Rebot和精选的适当的起动设备或者Insertboot媒介在选择的起动设备和按一个键 [translate] aPunctuation appears after the equation but before the equation number 标点出现在等式以后,但在等式数字之前 [...
Capitalize a person's title when it comes before their name. Example: Doctor Jones Capitalize the first word in a quoted sentence. Example: Derek said: "That book is worth reading." Caution: Do not capitalize everything in a title. While the desire may be to attract attention, the effect...
Doyouknowhowmanykindsofpunctuationmarksthereare?WhatarethefunctionsofPunctuation?Toterminateandseparate Toconnectandseparate Tointroduce ,:—,—()[].!?,;- ConnectingtwoseparateideasConnectingtwoormorewords Introducingparallelexamples Enclosingadditionalinformation Toenclose Insertingandenclosingadditionalmaterial...
French uses a space, ideally a nonbreaking space to avoid pagination issues, before and after most punctuation. Spanish uses inverted question marks and exclamation marks at the beginning of interrogative and exclamatory sentences or clauses. Some Asian languages use full- and half-with punctuation,...
the syntactic turning points in a sentence, it is exposed to abuse. It may be used to separate the elements of a series, before a relative clause that does not limit or define itsantecedent, in pairs to set off or isolate words or phrases, or in combination with coordinating conjunctions....