FootnoteSpecialReference ForceUpgrade ForgetLastTabAlignment 格式 FormFieldData FormFieldName FormFieldSize FormProtection FormsDesign Frame FrameLayout FrameLayoutValues FrameName FrameProperties FrameScrollbarVisibilityValues Frameset FramesetSplitbar FrameSize 库 GlossaryDocument GridAfter GridBefore GridColumn Grid...
FootnoteSpecialReference ForceUpgrade ForgetLastTabAlignment 格式 FormFieldData FormFieldName FormFieldSize FormProtection FormsDesign Frame FrameLayout FrameLayoutValues FrameName FrameProperties FrameScrollbarVisibilityValues Frameset FramesetSplitbar FrameSize 库 GlossaryDocument GridAfter ...
Punctuation marks are considered part of grammar and often have well-established rules for how to use them properly. For example, the rules of proper grammar state that a letter after a period should be capitalized and that a comma must be used before a coordinating conjunction. Typographical sy...
The asterisk is a reference mark indicating that a footnote or explanatory paragraph appears somewhere else on that page, generally at the foot of the page. See this example.* ___ * Another use of the asterisk has developed. To indicate swear words without being objectionable yet conveying the...
Bug description Similar situation to bug #10870. Error adding css vars block Error: Expecting punctuation: "}" (2639:53) at InputStream.err (file:///C:/Users/jonat/AppData/Local/Programs/Quarto/bin/quarto.js:48788:15) at Object.err (file...
To provide a pause before certain adverbs and conjunctions Example: He just scraped past the finishing line by a hair's breadth; nevertheless, he won! To emphasize opposite statements and contrast Example: The house looked beautiful after the renovation; pity about the garden. Slash / The ...
17、.3) Brackets: We use brackets when we want to add inessential information that often goes to a footnote.10.2 Grammar: The Use of punctuation marks The Use of punctuation marks: Read p 167-17810.3 Writing: short composition (III) - conclusion1) warm-up activities: p162Reference for the...
2.1.698 Section 15.5.22, Break Before and Break After 2.1.699 Section 15.5.23, Paragraph Background Color 2.1.700 Section 15.5.24, Paragraph Background Image 2.1.701 Section 15.5.25, Border 2.1.702 Section 15.5.26, Border Line Width 2.1.703 Section 15.5.27, Padding 2.1.704...
A common misuse of the apostrophe is placing it before anSto make nouns plural. Here’s an example: Incorrect: I ate bacon’s for breakfast. Correct: I ate bacons for breakfast. 13. Quotation Marks (“”) The commonquotation marksor inverted commas are used to make direct quotations or ...
–Exclamationmark(!)usedtoendanemphaticorstronglywordedstatement ••Whataman!You'relying!2)Follow-upactivities:theClassroomActivities2onp158 10.1Punctuation 3.Howtojoinsentencesofequalweight 10.1Punctuation 1)2)warm-upactivities:p159classroomactivitiesSummaryofknowledgepoints:• ...