X-ray diffraction/ pulsed laser depositionLead magnesium niobate (Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3 or PMN) thin films have been deposited on different substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Film composition was studied by secondary ion mass spectroscopy and their crystallinity by X-ray diffraction techniques...
Dinescu, Pulsed Laser deposition of oxide Thin films, in PlasmaBrodoceanu, N. D. Scarisoreanu, M. (Morar) Filipescu, G. N. Epurescu, D. G. Matei, P. Verardi, F. Craciun, M. Dinescu, Pulsed Laser deposition of oxide thin films, Plasma Production by Laser Ablation, PPLA 2003, ...
NASICON thin filmsSiO 2/Si substratesdeposition ratesXPSthin film compositionWe have deposited NASICON ( Na Super Ionic CONductor) films of thicknesses ranging from 100 to 600 nm, by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), on SiO /Si substrates. The deposition rates varied from 6 脳 10 to 0.08 nm/...
We have studied in detail the physical phenomena involved in the interaction of high-powered nanosecond excimer-laser pulses with bulk targets resulting in evaporation, plasma formation, and subsequent deposition of thin films. A theoretical model for simulating these laser-plasma--solid interactions has...
Chapter 3 – Pulsed laser deposition of oxides 29 CHAPTER 3 PULSED LASER DEPOSITION OF OXIDES 3.1 Introduction As a materials processing technique, laser ablation was utilized for the first time in the 1 1960s, after the first commercial ruby laser was invented . Nevertheless, as a thin film ...
We describe the deposition of Ti:sapphire thin films by the pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) method for the waveguide laser application, with an emphasis on the reduction of droplets which is inevitably generate during PLD. In order to eliminate the droplets for the film surface, we introduced cent...
Tsukada, A., Luna, K.E., Hammond, R.H.et al.Pulsed laser deposition conditions and superconductivity of FeSe thin films.Appl. Phys. A104, 311–318 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-010-6136-8 Download citation Received20 July 2010 ...
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is a unique tool to grow high quality thin films of complex composition. In recent years it was demonstrated by several groups that PLD is capable of depositing material over application relevant substrate sizes with good uniformity. In this contribution YBCO thin fil...
oxide filmsfilm homogeneityoptical properties/ A6855 Thin film growth, structure, and epitaxy A8115I Pulsed laser deposition A0130R Reviews and tutorial papersPulsed laser deposition is a recently developed technique which is producing very good results for the growth of complex compound films. This ...
Large area pulsed laser deposition of YBCO thin films on 3-inch wafers ☆Experimental/ barium compoundscritical current density (superconductivity)high-temperature superconductorspulsed laser depositionsuperconducting epitaxial layerssuperconducting transition temperatureyttrium compounds/ large area pulsed laser ...