Near fault directivity pulse-like ground motion effect on high-speed railway bridge[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014,21 (6) : 2425--2436.Near-fault directivity pulse-like ground motion effect on high-speed railway bridge[J] . Ling-kun Chen,Nan Zhang,Li-zhong Jiang,Zhi-ping ...
近断层地震动(near-falut ground motion)基本特征主要包括近断层 强地震动的集中性、地表破裂、地面永久变形(permanent displacemenat)、破裂的方向性效应、近断层速度大脉冲 和 上盘效应。 这里主要整理 近断层速度大脉冲 的一些特性的笔记。所谓 “速度脉冲” ,指的是地震波的速度时程上,可以看到明显的脉冲现象。如...
Finally, an empirical model for the pulse period of ground motion recordings from Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes is proposed.doi:10.1007/s10950-021-09988-xFlorin PavelJournal of Seismology
The near-fault earthquake ground motions are simulated by combining recorded far-field ground motion with simple pulses that portray near-fault features. 以实际地震波为底波,并叠加三角型脉冲运动模拟近断层地震;以此为输入,研究恢复力摩擦隔震结构 R-FBI 隔震结构在近断层地震下的动力反应特性,绘制了上部结...
pulse—like ground motions in th e seismic response of structures has b ecome very import ant to many researchers.H0 U SNER and HU DS0 N 『1 1 stu died the pulse—lik e effects of near.f ault ground motion after studying the P ort Hueneme eart hquake an d proposed th at ...
Pulse-like ground motionVelocity pulseLandslideThe 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto earthquake induced widespread landslides, predominantly in the Aso area, approximately 20 to 40 km from the epicenter. Pulse-like ground motion (PLGM) was observed in this area. To understand the landslide causation in this ...
To mitigate the shortages of records, some ground motion simulation methods were proposed, such as Mavroeidis and Papageorgiou [8] and Dabaghi and Der Kiureghian [9]. However, in accordance with the anti-seismic codes, like Eurocode 8 [10] and ASCE7-16 [11], the response spectrum of ...
pulse-likegroundmotionparametersforpredictingthedisplacementisalsoinvestigated.Theanalysesindicate thatthenear-faultpulse-likegroundmotionsresultinmuchlargerdisplacementthannon-pulse-likeground motions,especiallysignificanteffectonlong-periodslopes.Also,displacementsinducedbypulse-likeground motioncommonlyhaveshorterdurationan...
These studies showed that the resonant ground motion has its energy in a narrow frequency range and produces larger damage in the structure compared to ordinary records. Resonant or pulse-like ground motion has been observed in near-field records with directivity focusing or fling effects. Such ...
Pulse-like ground motion identificationsignificant velocity half cyclessmoothingriding wavesEMD algorithmThis study proposes a new algorithm based on the smoothed Significant Velocity Half-Cycles for efficient and accurate identification of pulse-like velocity ground motions. The empirical-mode decomposition (...