Near fault directivity pulse-like ground motion effect on high-speed railway bridge[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014,21 (6) : 2425--2436.Near-fault directivity pulse-like ground motion effect on high-speed railway bridge[J] . Ling-kun Chen,Nan Zhang,Li-zhong Jiang,Zhi-ping ...
pulse-like ground motion Dynamics [动力学]/Earthquake Engineering [地震工程]/My Software [我的软件]/Programming [编程]/Research [科研]/Seismic Design [抗震设计]/Structural Analysis [结构分析]/Structural Engineering [结构工程] [软件][编程][地震动] NFAGM近场脉冲型地震动人工合成程序 案例2—— ...
The analysis shows that about one-third of the selected horizontal components can be classified as pulse-like. In addition, the recordings were obtained on both soft and stiff soil sites situated at epicentral distances of up to 160 km. It was also observed that the pulse-like ground motions...
1) near-fault pulse-like ground motion 近断层脉冲地震 1. Seismic responses are closely related with isolation eccentricity, superstructure eccentricity, ratio of torsional-to-lateral frequency of superstructure, and pulse period of near-fault pulse-like ground motions, whose effects are discussed in...
pulse—like ground motions in th e seismic response of structures has b ecome very import ant to many researchers.H0 U SNER and HU DS0 N 『1 1 stu died the pulse—lik e effects of near.f ault ground motion after studying the P ort Hueneme eart hquake an d proposed th at ...
Pulse-like ground motionVelocity pulseLandslideThe 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto earthquake induced widespread landslides, predominantly in the Aso area, approximately 20 to 40 km from the epicenter. Pulse-like ground motion (PLGM) was observed in this area. To understand the landslide causation in this ...
Hence, it is crucial for pulse-like ground motion simulation to contain a pulse in ground-motion velocity and simultaneously compatible with the target spectrum. This study aims to propose a novel stochastic simulation method based on trigonometric series to address this challenge. The ground motion...
pulse‐like ground motionreinforced concrete frameseismic fragilitystrength eccentricityThe seismic fragility of reinforced concrete (RC) frame systems considering the disadvantages of both structural eccentricities and pulse﹍ike earthquake effects is investigated. A total of 24,000 nonlinear time history ...
slidingdisplacementsofslopescausedbynear-faultpulse-likeandnon-pulse-likegroundmotions.Effectsof pulsecharacteristicsandslopeparametersonslidingdisplacementareanalyzed;andtheefficiencyofdifferent pulse-likegroundmotionparametersforpredictingthedisplacementisalsoinvestigated.Theanalysesindicate thatthenear-faultpulse-likeground...
These studies showed that the resonant ground motion has its energy in a narrow frequency range and produces larger damage in the structure compared to ordinary records. Resonant or pulse-like ground motion has been observed in near-field records with directivity focusing or fling effects. Such ...