The meaning of PULSE is the regular expansion of an artery caused by the ejection of blood into the arterial system by the contractions of the heart. How to use pulse in a sentence.
英[pʌls] 美[pʌls] 释义 n. 脉搏;[无线电](电磁波等)脉动;活力;有节奏的跳动(或拍打) vi. (心脏)跳动;脉动;搏动;震动 vt. 使跳动;有节奏地驱动(机器等);[电子学]施以脉冲;[无线电]脉冲地调节(电磁波) 大小写变形:PULSEPulse 词态变化 ...
2.pul-pull拉+se蛇,记忆方法:拉蛇的脉搏。【Daniel】 0 0 真题例句 1.Um, on Earth the main source of naturally occurring VLF emissions is lightning, which generates a pulse of radio waves every time it flashes.(听力 托福-12) 在地球上,自然释放VLF的主要来源是闪电,它每一次闪现时会产生一个...
For a Gaussian beam, the peak intensity i.e. the intensity on the beam axis, Ipeak, is given by: (4)Ipeak=2Ppeakπωr2 2.2 Laser energy absorption mechanisms A laser beam which is incident on a material surface will have some of its energy reflected, some absorbed in the material, ...
:house_with_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. - Pulse · home-assistant/core
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes. Example: {'LinearFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',50e-6,'SweepBandwidth',1e5,... 'SweepDirection','Up','SweepInterval','Positive'} PRF— Pulse repetition frequency 1e4 (default) | positive scalar Puls...
Section 4 provides several examples of simulations carried out with PULSEE, which have been chosen for their relevance to quantum control and quantum information processing. Specifically, in Section 4.5 we illustrate how ideas developed in the context of QIS can be deployed to efficiently probe the...
Laravel Pulse is a real-time application performance monitoring tool and dashboard for your Laravel application. - laravel/pulse
Sammendragssiden for Pulse-rapporten har følgende deler: Vis hvor mange brukere som svarte på Pulse-forespørselen, både som en prosentdel og en telling. VelgVis altunderHvem du invitertetil å vise listen over tilbakemeldingsleverandører for Pulse-forespør...
Various models have been proposed for the estimation of blood pressure (BP) from pulse transit time (PTT). PTT is defined as the time delay of the pressure wave, produced by left ventricular contraction, measured between a proximal and a distal site alon