We calculate the high - order harmonic generation in the different intense laserpulse durationby numerical calculations. 用数值计算方法计算了不同强激光脉冲宽度下高次谐波的产生. 互联网 行业词典 电工 脉冲宽度又称 :脉冲宽度(pulse width) 自动化 ...
Related to pulse width: Pulse durationwidth [width] the extent of something from side to side. pulse width the duration of a pacing impulse, usually expressed in milliseconds. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders...
5) pulse width modulation (PWM) 脉冲宽度调制 1. The method is based on the application of the pulse width modulation (PWM) method for hybrid 9-level inverters. 为实现混合九电平逆变器在变压变频调速场合中的应用,该文在分析混合九电平逆变器脉冲宽度调制(PWM)方法的基础上,深入研究了混合九电平...
pulse duration (redirected fromPulse Width) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to Pulse Width:Pulse duration pulse duration In radar, measurement of pulse transmission time in microseconds; that is, the time the radar's transmitter is energized during each cycle. Also called pulse length ...
pulse width control (选通脉冲) 脉宽调整 tentative palpation(诊脉时间较短,约一分钟左右) 初持 duration (时间的) 宽度 chronozone (时间带) 地层带 welding dribble (焊接时间的) 金属熔滴或飞溅 endodyke (岩脉) 内成岩墙 serrated ring (冲裁用) 齿圈 Bourry diagram (坯样干燥收缩与时间关系曲线) 鲍...
PWM Pulse Duration Modulation or Pulse Width Modulation is a powerful technique used to control analog circuits using digital outputs.
Pulse duration measuring device using series connected pulse width classifier stages1. A pulse duration classifier comprising a plurality of identical classifier stages, each stage including means to delay an incoming pulse to be classified; means to detect coincidence between any portions of the ...
An apparatus for accepting or rejecting pulses on the basis of pulse duration. Each pulse in an incoming pulse train is clocked into a first shift register, while a counter records the duration of the
pulse width modulation 脉冲持续时间调制,脉冲宽度调制,脉宽调制 pulse duration modulation frequency modulation 【电】 脉冲期间调制频率调制 pulse code modulation frequency modulation 脉码调制-调频 pulse amplitude modulation frequency modulation 脉幅调制调频 pulse duration modulation frequency modulation 脉冲...
1) Wide range pulse duration 大动态脉宽2) Dynamic pulse-width filtering 动态脉宽滤除3) long pulse width 超大脉宽4) dynamic SPWM 动态正弦脉宽调制5) dynamic width 动态宽度6) Dynamic frequency band width 动态频宽补充资料:交流脉宽调制变频调速 交流脉宽调制变频调速 AC motor speed control by ...