Ads by ArduinoGetStarted.comArduino Pull-up Pull-down ResistorWhat is pull-up and pull-down resistor? Pull-up Resistor vs Pull-down Resistor? Why do we need to use it with Arduino? When do we need to use it? How to use pull-up and pull-down resistor with Arduino?
Take any digital electronic circuit and chances are you’ll find pull-up and pull-down resistors in them. Well, as for any microcontroller (E.g. Arduino) in an embedded system, it utilizes I/O signals for communication with external hardware devices, where the most commonly known being GPIO...
With this little test I hope you'll understand why the pull-up (and pull-down) resistors are needed in digital circuits like in Arduino. With apull-up resistorand with the button unpressed you make a logic state ON and with the button pressed you make a logic OFF. With apull - down...
Pull-down vs Pull-up Resistors Hope this article has helped you to understand how to use pull-up and pull-down resistors. Be sure to leave a comment below if you have a question!
Suggested Readings [Blog]Pull-up Resistor vs Pull-down – Differences, Arduino Guide About Author
PULL-UP VS PULL-DOWN RESISTOR Pull-up and pull-down resistors are not a special type ofresistorbut simply a constant value connected via, mainly, + 5V and pin or GND and pins. Resistor between pin and + 5V is called pull-up resistor, while the one between the pin and GND is a pull...