cd existing_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin 远程仓库地址 三、分支管理(菜鸟教程) 使用分支意味着你可以从开发主线上分离开来,然后在不影响主线的同时继续工作。 1.创建分支命令: git branch <branchname> 2.切换分支命令: git checkout <branchname> 当你切换分支的时候,Git ...
找到本地仓库文件夹,在.git 路径下,找到config文件, 进去修改 [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true [remote "origin"] url ='x'x/aaa.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* pushurl= https:/...
Append ref names and object names of fetched refs to the existing contents of.git/FETCH_HEAD. Without this option old data in.git/FETCH_HEADwill be overwritten. --atomic Use an atomic transaction to update local refs. Either all refs are updated, or on error, no refs are updated. ...
git更新pull报错Pulling 1 repository Remote does not have refs/heads/rel5.1 available for fetch,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Append ref names and object names of fetched refs to the existing contents of.git/FETCH_HEAD. Without this option old data in.git/FETCH_HEADwill be overwritten. --depth=<depth> Limit fetching to the specified number of commits from the tip of each remote branch history. If fetching to a...
git pull“No remote repository specified”解决方法 学习了: 修改“.git”文件夹里面的“config”文件的url就可以了: [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true ...
使用git pull同步远程代码 使用git管理测试相关代码时,因为测试代码本身量级不大,所以很少使用分支,默认都使用master(主分支),当我们想要从远程origin(origin是远程仓remote repository,clone到本地的默认名字)。当主机的master分支拉取代码过来和本地的当前分支进行合并时,需要使用如下命令: ...
可以用 git commit --all -m "WIP" 巧妙避免使用git stash带来的麻烦 start a working area (see also: git help tutorial) clone Clone a repository into a new directory init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
本想在Linux服务器执行git pull拉取代码,报了***.git/info/refs not valid: is this a git repository?之前都好好的,怎么突然报了这个问题,正好今天是一位同事离职,他的git账号应该是被禁用了,我之前一直没有配置自己的账号,想到这里问题应该很清楚了,于是找到了配置git账号密码的文件/root/.git-credentials,...
git pull出错:cannot pull into a repository with state: merging_resolved, gitpull出错解放办法:1.尝试先提交现有代码到本地,再更新2.gitreset—hard