remote add xxx(别名) xxx(仓库地址) 给仓库地址起别名(可选操作) git pull xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) #克隆远程库到本地 git pull -b yyy xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) xxx(分支名) #克隆远程库的yyy分支到本地 git pull xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) yyy(分支名) 克隆远程库的yyy分支到本地 创建...
当主机的master分支拉取代码过来和本地的当前分支进行合并时,需要使用如下命令: git pull origin master git pull origin master错误分析 如果大家执行git pull origin master,遇到如下问题: fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 为何又出现了这...
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/zcz Branch dev_zczsetup to tracklocalbranch origin/zcz. zhangchangzhi@ZB-PF0SB6DQ MINGW64 /e/02.Workspace-test/gitTest (dev_zcz) $ git branch -vv * dev_zcz 3b7001a [origin/zcz] cm master a09fdc4 [origin/master] create pull origin/zcz 3b7001a...
master a09fdc4[origin/master]create pull zhangchangzhi@ZB-PF0SB6DQMINGW64/e/02.Workspace-test/gitTest(dev_zcz)$ git push-u origin dev_zczEverythingup-to-dateBranchdev_zcz set up to track remote branch dev_zcz from origin.zhangchangzhi@ZB-PF0SB6DQMINGW64/e/02.Workspace-test/gitTest(dev...
找到本地仓库文件夹,在.git 路径下,找到config文件, 进去修改 [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true [remote "origin"] url ='x'x/aaa.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* ...
在tools->git->local repository下有各种git操作。commit是提交,填好author和email表明身份,description表明此次更改了什么的描述,files栏选择提交的文件,最后选择commit file提交文件。log可以看见历史提交信息。 参考: ...
pull is a combination of fetch and merge. It is used to pull all changes from a remote repository into the branch you are working on. Make another change to the file on GitLab. Use pull to update our local Git: Example git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done. remote...
UI and API updates are subject to default pull mirroring intervals of 5 minutes. This interval can be configured on GitLab Self-Managed instances. By default, if any branch or tag on the downstream pull mirror diverges from the local repository, GitLab stops updating the branch. This prevents...
$ git pull origin master From * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 把远程master分支同步到HEAD分支(HEAD分支指向当前位置); 3.git pull 这种写法最简单,也最常用,但是隐含的知识也是最多的; ...
If you know a lot about the repository from which you're going to fetch-and-<second-command>, that's reasonable enough. But if you don't know that much, instead of usinggit showand thengit pull, I personally prefer to rungit fetch, thensee what I got, and onlyth...