remote add xxx(别名) xxx(仓库地址) 给仓库地址起别名(可选操作) git pull xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) #克隆远程库到本地 git pull -b yyy xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) xxx(分支名) #克隆远程库的yyy分支到本地 git pull xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) yyy(分支名) 克隆远程库的yyy分支到本地 创建...
命令的完整版本: git pull <远程主机名> <远程分支名>:<本地分支名> 例如:从名为origin的远程数据库的master分支上拉去代码与本地的localBranch分支合并 git pull origin master:localBranch 如果只写,省略其他参数 git pull 将以文件`.git/log`记录的默认值拉去 场景6:冲突 A和B在自己的本地同时进行...
3.更改git/config文件:git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote_branch> zhangchangzhi@ZB-PF0SB6DQ MINGW64/e/02.Workspace-test/gitTest(dev_zcz)$ git branch--set-upstream-to=origin/zcz Branch dev_zczsetup to track local branch origin/zcz.zhangchangzhi@ZB-PF0SB6DQ MINGW64/e/02.Workspace-test/...
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/zcz Branch dev_zczsetup to tracklocalbranch origin/zcz. zhangchangzhi@ZB-PF0SB6DQ MINGW64 /e/02.Workspace-test/gitTest (dev_zcz) $ git branch -vv * dev_zcz 3b7001a [origin/zcz] cm master a09fdc4 [origin/master] create pull origin/zcz 3b7001a...
使用git pull同步远程代码 使用git管理测试相关代码时,因为测试代码本身量级不大,所以很少使用分支,默认都使用master(主分支),当我们想要从远程origin(origin是远程仓remote repository,clone到本地的默认名字)。当主机的master分支拉取代码过来和本地的当前分支进行合并时,需要使用如下命令: ...
nothing to commit, working tree clean There! Your local git is up to date! Git Pull But what if you just want to update your local repository, without going through all those steps? pullis a combination offetchandmerge. It is used to pull all changes from a remote repository into the ...
$ git pull origin master From * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 把远程master分支同步到HEAD分支(HEAD分支指向当前位置); 3.git pull 这种写法最简单,也最常用,但是隐含的知识也是最多的; ...
找到本地仓库文件夹,在.git 路径下,找到config文件, 进去修改 [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true [remote "origin"] url ='x'x/aaa.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* ...
Git rebase integrates commits from a source branch into a target branch, but uses a different strategy than Git merge. Git pull performs a fetch and then a merge or rebase to integrate fetched commits into your current local branch. Visual Studio uses a subset of those Git commands when you...
After you created a link between your local Git repository and the remote repository either via the remote command or using the clone command, the synchronization isn't happening automatically. Use push and pull commands to get from and send data to the remote repository....